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The ride home was silent, as I expected it would be. I could feel Brooklyn tense next to me, he knew something was off. I sighed and squeezed his hand, leaning into him and looking out into the dark road ahead. He smelled like men, that guy smell that every girl picks up on and melts.

"How do you know him." Now this wasn't a question, it was more of a statement.

"I..well.. he was my love. Always there for me, knew every crevice of me, every curve, every corner in my mind, everything. We knew each other like the back of our hands, or so we thought.. we always found something new.'s a long story on how we split apart..I don't entirely feel like explaining that bit."

He nodded and leaned his cheek on the top of my head. My eyes slowly slid closed and I was out like a light.


"Ahem." Brooklyn was carrying me inside to his room when I heard him clear his throat. His hands were rough on my skin, as if he were securing me and trying to keep me to him as much as he can. He opened his door to his room and walked not to the bed, but to the bathroom. My heart raced, my mind was fuzzy, and I felt like I was going on my first date with a school boy crush.

"Just be quiet," he murmured in my ear then set me down on the counter while turning the water on, waiting for it to be warm. I leaned back onto the mirror when he turned around and starting to undress himself. My eyes traveled all over him, especially his back and arms..that lovely v-line, and that face. Those veins, every detail. Then he walked towards me and took my clothes off, bit by bit until I had goosebumps from the bare air on my skin. He picked me up and placed me in the tub, along with him sitting behind me. His arm wrapped around my torso, pulling me back into him.


When I woke up the there was a bird sitting on the railing of the balcony. It just sat there, flicking its head this way and that way. Finally it took off and the rays of sun shone in, leaving warmth in its path. My arms stretched above me and I let out a stretching moan which awakens Brooklyn, who's laying against me. He blinked his eyes open and looked at me, then the ceiling, clenching his jaw every few seconds.

"What is it?" my voice was low and cautious.

"I don't know if I like the guy you, uhm, once dated." His face scrunched up and his hand slid down his face as if he was trying to rid of the tiredness.

"Oh.. I knew that was coming sooner or later," I breathed out and sat up, finger combing my messy hair.

"I get that your first love will always be apart of you, but I am better than him. I don't mean to sound like a d¡ck or cocky but it is true."

I turned my head and looked at him. It was true, he was absolutely better. I smiled at him and went to lay on his chest.

"Yes you are, by far."

Sorry for short chapter.:))
it's something though right?

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