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His stuff^^

My head was blurry and I had a massive headache. I opened my eyes and squinted instantly. I was in a dark room but there was sunlight leaking through the window. The room was black with white and grey. I was on someone's bed with Ducati besides me. The bed was soft and comforted all your curves. There was a flat screen tv and a staircase that led above the bed, where you can look over the small balcony. It was small in the big room, but looked good.

I held my forehead then slowly sat up, swinging my legs over the end of the bed. My flannel was off and someone had folded it and set it on the white nightstand. I grabbed it and put it on, realizing it smelt clean and new.

" I?" I look around the room to find any clues but just see the curtain of the window balcony blowing open. I slowly walk over to it and look outside. The sun was setting and there was a pool below me.

"What..?" I look down on the deck below, where a fireplace was crackling. I heard people talking and laughing. I heard the door open and someone had shoved Tori and Alaska in the room. I ran to her and hugged her tight then grabbed my head.

"Do you know where we are? Who was that?" I point towards the closed door.

"I don't know...they put a blindfold on.." She started shaking and I led her to the balcony and we both looked over. It was men's laughter and deep voices. I recognized one voice, the voice who said they will take care of me.

"Hey...I recognize that voice." I try listening but then they all go silent and one walks out into our view. He looked older, but he looked good.

"Well well, looked like the beauties have awoken. Hello lovelies! Don't be afraid, we're just protecting you?....oh for gods sake you look like you're going to pass out. Someone bring them down here, and bring their dogs." The man went back to the fire and then instantly the door opened. It was a guy, maybe in his early twenties.

"Hayden, come with me. Ducati, come on. Tori, someone is coming for you," the guy took my arm lightly and we walked out with Ducati behind us.

"Who are you, and where are we?" I watched where I was going and he just smiled. We were outside now, by the fire and the guy pulled over a chair and patted it. I sat down and he sat down next to me.

"I'm Brooklyn. Brooklyn Beckham. The man that was talking to you, that's my dad, David Beckham. He's the head master here, but I usually take over," he grinned at me then ordered us drinks from the bar that was behind us. I took a small sip and realized it was Pepsi.

"Soo...why did you take us? And you didn't answer where this is, or what." I snapped my attention towards him.

"Feisty. Well, we took you because, well it's complicated. Okay? It's complicated for me and you, but also your brother wanted me to have you. take care of you. We're at my house. In LA."

My head spun, so much new information. Where was my brother. Where was Tori now?

"Where's Ryker? Where's Tori?" I pet Ducati to calm my nerves.

"Ryker is at his place with his pals right now. They will come over tomorrow morning and we will discuss everything. Tori? Oh she's with my friend who will definitely make sure she's comfortable." He winked then took the last sip of his drink. Brooklyn then made a whistle noise and a black dog jumped up and ran towards us. Then sat down in front of his feet and layed down.

"Oh...he's beautiful. What kind? Name?"

"So many questions," I rolled my eyes at him, "I'm just kidding. He's half wolf half husky, his name is Buddy. Cause he's always been my buddy I guess." He pet his fur and gave him a hug. Ducati seemed fine with the new guest and layed down beside him. Buddy layed his head on top of Ducati's back.

"Seems like they're getting alone just fine..." I sighed and looked at the fire. The warmth licked my skin, making me have goosebumps.

"We will too. Trust me." He squeezes my knee. David came over to us and gave me a side hug.

"Welcome Hayden, well aren't you stunning. With your black hair and grey eyes. I know this may be confusing and hard. But I promise to make you feel at home." He patted my shoulder and I thanked him for welcoming me in, to a place I didn't know.

"So Hayden. Tell me about yourself." Brooklyn looked me in the eyes and I could see him, through him actually. He was trying to act like a gentlemen.

"You know you don't have to act."

His back straightened instantly and he looked me deep in the eyes. Everyone went silent. In an instant he had my back pressed against the bar table and his hand were on either side, keeping me in place.

"Well...if I don't have to 'act' then we would just be making a big scene and I would make you extremely uncomfortable. I can make you feel a thousand different emotions." He voice was a purr in my ear now.

"Now now Brooklyn. Calm yourself. She'll have a chance to experience all of that, LATER!" David said calmly then cheered to everyone to get them talking.

I caught my breath then looked at Brooklyn and he was smirking.

"So answer my question."

"Well..." I gulped thinking back to David's words, I will "experience it all later", "well I'm 19. I love cars, my dog, my brother, my friend. And my parents beat me..."

Brooklyn froze and grabbed my hand, taking me into the house. He led me back to the room I awoke in, and sat me down.

"Tell me everything." And this time, his eyes were sad, pleading.

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