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^ What Tori has.

Tori yanks open her door and pulls me in instantly. Ducati just goes in the backyard like he knows what he's doing. I blink a few times to get my balance right then I look at Tori who looks like she's about to flip.

"COME HEREE!!" She pulls my arm over to her garage and shows me her BMW. It was incredibly nice, and it was black. I go over and my mouth falls open.

"Dang Tori!! Beauty!" I hug her and she then goes to get her keys.

"I know! I love her!" She then grabs a cookie and hands me one, then calls her husky, "Alaska!!"

Alaska instantly runs into the garage with Ducati following her. She jumps up and stretches her legs on my waist then wags her tail. I stuff my cookie in my mouth then I pet her soft grey fur and squeeze her cheeks.

Tori smiles, then opens her car and Alaska hops in the passenger side. I soon get where this was going and I laugh at Tori then open the garage and go get my car from outside. Ducati jumps in the passenger seat and I put my keys in.

"Where we going?" I yell through my window.

"Just follow me!!" She revs her beauty and both our mouths drop. The purr was amazing. I do the same with mine and we both look like we're gonna have cargasms. I shake my head then start to follow her and her husky whose head was sticking out the window. She quickly accelerated and I followed behind easily, revving my engine when she went slow.

We passed my house and then we passed the city and were out on open roads. It was a one way road so I could pull up beside her. When I looked over she was challenging me to race her.

"Eat my dust!!" I step on the gas and shift gears, easily flying past her. But it doesn't take her long before she's along side me again. Ducati barks at them and wags his tail.

We both keep the same pace all the way until there was a stop sign and we both decelerate and shift our gears. I look over and she gives me thumbs up and I do the same back to her.

I get a text and see its from Tori, "Fro Yo then gym?" I look out the window and nod to her.


When we get to the Frozen Yogurt place, the guy already knew us too well and aloud our dogs inside. They just sat side by side at the tables waiting. I grabbed a bowl and handed it to Tori then grabbed my own. I went for the mint yogurt, then add crushed Oreos and hot dark chocolate. Tori just grabs vanilla with strawberries. Our usual.

We weigh our yogurt and the guy tells us what we owe. He smiled and we went over to our tables and started eating. The mint and Oreos together just made my whole day. It was DELICIOUS!! Tori rolled her eyes at me and popped a strawberry in her mouth.

"So, anything new I DO NOT know about?" I wink at her and she just blushed and laughed.

"Yea I guess so... Well I met this guy at my work and we got along...we exchanged numbers, and now we're going on dates often.." She spooned her vanilla yogurt and I smiled at her.

"That's awesome Tori! I'm so glad! What's his name? What does he look like?"

"His name is Damien. He has like this goldish brown hair, with these hazel eyes, they have a tint of green. He's gorgeous." She looked like she was daydreaming and I giggled.

"That's cuteeeeee," I grinned at her and she just swatted at me.

"What about you?" She rested her head in her palms, giving me her full attention. I coughed.

"Nope. Nothing. Single as a Pringle and it's good. I love food." I devoured the last of my yogurt and she just shook her head. Then a hand landed on our table. My eyes traced the arm up to the person's body. It was my mom. My heart dropped and I instantly backed up and fell down.

" stay away from me!!" I screamed at her and Tori went with me, staying defensive. The dogs instantly stood in front and growled. Miranda, my "mom", cackled then looked at her nails.

"Hello...darling. Nice to see you again. Ya know, after you...ran away. We were worried....hah! Who am I kidding? We threw a party!"

I glared her down and stood my ground, "get away. Go away. Don't ever follow me or get near me." Miranda looked up and stared at me for a long time. Then, just in time, Ryker opened the doors, with five other friends, and surrounded Miranda.

"Get her out of here." He simply ordered. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I exhaled. I hugged my brother and then saw Miranda screaming, trying to come after us.

"It's okay.."

Then the lights were out, and I was fighting against someone. Someone with strong arms and whose breath on my neck tickled.

"Take care of her." I heard my brother. Then another not familiar voice.

"Oh. I will."

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