Time to leave.

38 4 2

Song- Rude Boy

Arlyss POV
I woke up to sound of yelling
'Can a fucking woman sleep for more then 3 hours damn'
" Shut the fuck up I'm trying to sleep fucking dumbasses!" I yelled

"Well wake the fuck up and come downstairs we have to talk to you about something" Alice said

"Ughhh!" 'Fuck my life' I mentally thought to my self as I got out of bed. I went to my dresser and grabbed a shirt cause I don't sleep with a shirt on. I know.. you a girl put a fucking shirt On so I'm a girl I hate putting on shirts.

After I unlocked my door and walked outside my door into the hallway the sun from the window hit my eyes.

"Too bright!" I said as I pulled the curtains together and walked down stairs. I saw Alice and Kalaysia looking at a piece of paper with a big smile on their faces.
'What the fuck is up with them?'
I thought to myself as I went to the coffee maker and grabbed a mug and put coffee in it.

"So?" I said
The girls looked scared after I said so funny

"Shit Ace you scared the shit out of us" Lay said

"Funny and I care why?" I questioned

"Okay so we got a job offer" Alice Trailed off I gave her an "ok" look.

"And its in love love~ Paradise!" Alice and lay said at the same time. I spit out the coffee I sipped and it went all over the floor and some on Alice and lay.

"Eww really ARLYSS!" Alice yelled

"You're kidding right?" I said nervously laughing

'I've been wanting to go to love love~ paradise ever since I saw the paradise on a magazine'
I thought to myself and hoped I wasn't dreaming.

"Nope! Its true and the catch is we have to leave in um" Alice trailed off as she looked at her phone.

"Three hours so go pack!" She finished
I automatically ran to my room and closed my door. I then heard two other runs up the stairs and two doors closing.

I grabbed my suit case and Put Three black hoodies One White and the other black and white three black mask, Five black jeans and Three blue jeans 18 of my favorite shirts. Then I remembered.

'How long are we going to be there for?' I then yelled out my door "HOW LONG ARE WE GOING TO BE THERE FOR!?"

"THREE MONTHS!" I heard a yell back I then shut my door and went back to packing. I put my three favorite swim suits two two pieces one black and other grey and one one piece red. I packed two skirts,Three shorts two pairs of pajamas one rainbow and other gray. two pairs of vans and one pair of high heels. 10 bras and other Undergarments and a binder .Also my Jumin cosplay, also one black dress.

(you'll understand why later)

'if I need one then I'll buy some there' I thought.

I went to the bathroom Brushed my teeth and grabbed my tooth brush and toothpaste and deodorant combed my hair it fell on my left eye but eh just leave it. I then walked back to my room and put them in my suit case the cool thing is my bathroom is connect to my room. I grabbed my purse and put my phone charger and phone three headphones. Also my keys, Wallet 'I think I'm done'.

I looked around my room and saw Phoenix my stuffed black bear on my bed and instally grabbed him and put him in my bag. I then put on one of my black mask and then black jeans, a skull tank top and a black and white striped hoodie and a pair of black vans 'Now me done'

Alice POV
Once I ran to my room I all ready had every thing packed I had Six dresses, five pairs of jeans black and blue, 24 shirts and three one pieces all baby blue, Also three pairs of flats, two black and blue pairs of shoes and one pair of heels,Three pairs of pajamas all baby blue.

Also my 707 cosplay and all my makeup I had in a separate Suit case I already brushed my teeth and put my deodorant shampoo and conditioner '

I know Arlyss with forget to pack this so I'm pack some for her too' I thought to myself .

I had my phone and tablet and charger in my bag I had my bandanna around my arm. Then I put on a cute baby blue dressed that cut to my knees and I then put on flats and did my hair . I combed it out straight and then I put a head band.
'and done now to wait'

kalysia POV
I went to the bathroom brushed my hair and teeth grabbed my shampoo and Deodorant comb tooth brush toothpaste and put that in my suit case. Then I put five dresses one red two blue one gray and the other white. Ten shirts six skirts Six pairs of grey and black jeans 16 bras and other undergarments Two pairs of pajamas. Two pairs of flats a pair of shoes.

'no heels fuck that' I mentally thought to myself.

Then I put my yoosung cosplay in my suit case also my makeup my phone was on my bed my charger in my purse and wallet in purse to with keys. I changed into a red and whit dress im feeling girly today with red flats. Also a black purse with my phone in it.

'Now Done'

Authors POV

All three girls grabbed their purses and suit cases and unplugged everything in their rooms because they didn't want a big electricity bill. The first to leave their room was Alice she locked her bedroom door and made her way down stairs and waited on the couch. Next was Arlyss she also locked her door and went downstairs and went to kitchen for food. Last was Kalaysia she locked her door and went downstairs. Arlyss went to the living room with a doughnut in her mouth.

"Hey that what was mine" Alice yelled

"Well now it isn't" Arlyss muffled doughnut still in her mouth she then took it out.

"Still want it?~" she asked Alice.

Alice rolled her eyes and looked at her phone it was currently 2:00. The girls got ready in over an hour new record.

"Well we have two hours to get to the airport let's go" Alice said.

"Yess Time to leave" Kalaysia said
"E.T.S Is going to love love~ Paradise ~" Arlyss said in a song tone

Well that's chapter one hope you liked it its now 5:10am lol I don't sleep well so at least I got something done the next chapter will be at the airport so stay tuned ~Breaking✴

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