Chapter twenty four

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That same day Isabel is escorted to the bifrost where Heimdall is waiting, he bows his head at her as she passes. Isabel holds her head up high and makes no effort to dry her tears. Heimdall slides the sword into the podium and the dome begins to spin.

"Whenever you're ready" Heimdall says in his deep voice Isabel nods and steps into the light.

Meanwhile Isabel is frantically trying to bring down Loki's cell barrier. Finally she manages and a blaring alarm starts to sound. Loki grabs Isabel's hand and pulls her down a stairway deeper still into the castle. They make it to the armory where the ships are. Loki cloaks then in invisibility and they board one.

Loki frantically pushes buttons and the ship starts, Isabel grabs on tight as the ship starts to rise

"Hurry" she whispers Loki directs the ship towards the opening but it closes in seconds. Thor stands at the locked door his hammer in his hand

"I'll deal with him" Loki says bit Isabel puts a han over his shoulder

"No" she says "I'll go" she kisses Loki and steps off the ship

"I'll only ask once Thor," Isabel says "step aside"

"Why Isabel?" Thor asks "Loki doesn't love you" Isabel raises an eyebrow and her blue smoke appears and spreads rapidly towards him. Thor jumps out of the way, but he was never the target. The metal behind him smokes and melts Isabel works fast before Thor can realize what she's doing.

"No!" Thor yells and throws himself at Isabel hit the damage is done. Isabel puts up a wall but Thor breaks through it. Isabel throws herself to the side barely missing Thor. The ship rises and moves towards the opening

"Wait!" Isabel yells and scrambles to her feet she runs to the ship where the platform is still open. Loki is waiting there for her a hand reached out to her. Isabel stretches out her hand but a lighting bolt hits between them throwing them both back.

Isabel wobbly stands and watches as the ship goes through the opening she made and soars off.

"No!" She yells and rushes to the opening she can barely see Loki. He's screaming something but Isabel can't hear Thor rests a hand on her shoulder and she throws him off, he slams against another ship

"Wait!" The faint whisper of Loki's voice says ".... come.... for you" then the ship is gone and Isabel is left alone.

Months have gone by since Loki escaped. Isabel sits in his old cell her once beautiful blonde hair is tangled and hangs in her face and her nails have grown into claws. No one has been able to make her talk and frankly they've lost all hope.

The day of her sentence there's a loud noise making usable lift her head. But it's just one of the guards he steps closer and lower the barrier in her cell. He steps inside and kneels before her, Isabel smiles and careces his face

"Time to go love" Loki whispers

The end

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