Chapter twenty two

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On the way there they bump into Thor who is surprised to see Isabel up and walking

"Are you sure you are alright?" He asks

"I am" she smiles "we were on our way to meet your friends wanna come?" Thor looks at her and at Loki

"I'll go" Thor smiles and says under his breathe "if not they might kill you Loki"

"They'll try" he says back Isabel just laughs

"By the way I hear you have a girlfriend Thor" Isabel says making conversation

"Her name is Jane she's a scientist" Thor beams "she's actually here"

"Why?" Izzy asks

"When they took you I brought her here for precaution" Thor says

"Oh" is all Izzy can say. She crosses over to Loki's other side to stand between him and Thor and grabs their arms

"I like Asgard" she smiles "everything here is so ...warm"

"I knew you'd like it" Loki says they're approaching a room from where a lot of noise is coming from, chairs breaking, metal against metal and the sounds of burping

"Ah we're here" Thor smiles widely while Loki's face goes blank, a mask on. Izzy is just excited to meet more Asgardians, she's yet to meet Frigga and Odin. As soon as they enter Loki pulls Isabel to his side, stepping in front of her sort of hiding her

"Friends!" Thor yells and is hit by a flying turkey leg right between his eyes

"Volstagg you pig" the only woman, Sif, smacks a savage looking man with unkept long, curly, red hair with a matching beard-mustache; grease covers his fingers and bits of meat lie in his beard. Volstagg just rolls his eyes and keeps eating

"Friends please behave yourself" Thor says wiping the grease off his forehead while Isabel tries not to laugh out loud "I've bright a friend who wants to meet you" he smiles at Isabel who beams at him

"And what is he doing here?" a tall groomed man with black hair pulled up in a perfect pony tail and  trimmed facial hair asks pointing to Loki

"He knows the law and our agreement" Thor says Isabel looks up at Loki unaware of such agreement

"Well who's your new friend?" A blond man asks his smile dazzling and his hair perfect as well as his lock style facial hair. He searches for Isabel and finds her halfway hidden behind Loki "come out lad we don't bite" he chuckles putting away his sword the man with black hair does the same.

Isabel steps out from behind Loki who grabs her arm but she smiles at him and he lets go

"Hello" Isabel smiles "it's nice to meet you all" there's a wave of shock that runs through them all, but they recover quickly all except Sif who stares at Izzy in confusion

"A pleasure my lady" the blond man grabs her hand and plants a kiss on it "my name is Fandral, at your service"

"Easy Fandral" Loki growls Fandral just laughs

"What's wrong Loki got a crush?" He asks Isabel smacks his arm

"Be nice Fandral" Isabel frowns Fandral stares at her and laughs even harder

"You have spirit" he says and winks at her

"So lady Sif" Isabel says brushing past him making Volstagg chuckle "how do you deal with them it looks tiring" Thor laughs while the men stare at him a murderers gleam in their eyes, Sif smiles a little

"I smack them" she says Isabel nods

"So you're Volstagg" Isabel says pointing to the man that is still eating "you're Fandral" Fandral winks at her again "and you are?"

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