Chapter thirteen

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They decide their costumes and hang out for the rest of the day telling bad jokes and some work stories, mostly they laugh at what Izzy says and does, it makes Sam choke on his own saliva as he laughs at one of her faces. Sadly night falls and they have to say goodbye .

"I'll look for my costume online" Isabel promises as she kisses them goodbye at the elevator doors she ruffles Sam's hair and flicks Thomas's new braid

"Take care" Chris gives her one last hug his dark eyes twinkle with love

"You too" she smiles and the elevator doors close

"You have cute brothers" Wanda says behind Izzy making her jump

"Th... thanks?" Isabel says confused, Wanda rarely speaks to Isabel and avoids it as much as possible

"Tell me when they visit again" she winks and leaves leaving Isabel confused. She goes to kitchen for a small snack and head down to Loki. When the door opens he tenses but relaxes when he sees her blonde curls, he almost calls out but stops himself Isabel is not Sigyn and it pains Loki to acknowledge this

"What's wrong?" Isabel asks as she sits on the floor before his cell

"What?" Loki looks up and stares at her but he's not fully there it's as if Isabel and Sigyn were two overlapped pictures, both there at the same time.

"Loki?" Isabel grows worried "should I call Banner?"

"No!" Loki shouts making Izzy flinch he blinks away Sigyn's image and smiles warmly "no need for that Isabel I'm fine"

"Are you sure?" Isabel presses, Loki waves her question away

"I'm more interested in you" he purrs "what is someone like you doing here with these heroes?"

"They're training me" Isabel says

"Training you?" Loki sounds surprised

"I have powers" Izzy blushes as Loki's stare intensifies "we're still not sure what they are... if I'm in danger she surfaces"

"She?" Loki asks intrigued

"No I uh... I really shouldn't be talking about this with you" Isabel says

"Because I'm a liar?"

"You're a trickster which is different" Isabel runs her hands through her hair trying to calm herself "tell me about yourself all I've heard is that you're dangerous"

"I am" Loki smiles

"I don't believe that" Izzy scoots forward towards Loki

"And why is that?" his smile wavers

"If you were you wouldn't have saved Thor"

"I am a trickster this could be part of my plan"

"I don't think you have a plan" Isabel says with certainty "you saved Thor because he's your brother even if you lie to yourself and say he isn't"

"Yes well that a very nice thought but of course, you're wrong" Loki isn't smiling anymore

"Tell me a story Loki" Isabel says out of the blue

"A story?" Loki raises his eyebrow in question "do I look like a storyteller?"

"Well then I'll just go" Isabel stands and brushes off her jeans

"We were seven the first time we traveled through the bifrost with our father Odin" Loki begins Isabel smiles to herself and sits back down

"What did it feel like?" she asks

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