Chapter twenty

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Someone is screaming. Isabel can hear someone scream. It's really annoying she thinks to herself, the screaming has been going for a long time, why doesn't she just shut up? she thinks.

But the scream continues, Isabel's head feels so heavy she doesn't have the energy to even lift it. She's so tired. She doesn't know how long she's been held here she only knows her periods come and gone and stopped and she's still captive. Her body is so malnourished that it's stopped it's regulare menstrual cycle; that can't be a good thing it means too much time has passed.

Isn't anyone going to save me? She sobs in her mind, her body is limp on the cold, hard ground. Her eyes stare up at the black metal above her. All Isabel can do is stare at it, she can't move a muscle in her body; it takes a great deal of effort to just keep blinking. She wonders if anyone is looking for her or if they've forgotten her, or if they've just assumed she's dead.

The screaming starts again interrupting her thoughts. Isabel wonders for the millionth time where the screams are coming from but she never has enough energy to find out.

There are voices now, too muddled for her to understand and she doesn't care, not anymore. For a brief moment she feels something on her arm but it disappears as quickly as it came.

The screams have stopped now. Isabel sighs in relief, it was giving her a headache. She turns her head to the side and is stunned for a moment. She can move? She turns her head again and almost cries in joy. She lifts her arms and cries as she finds she's able to. She holds them over her face.

Something falls on her face causing her to flinch in surprise. Again something falls on her face and then again. It feels cold, it slithers down her cheek it's liquid she thinks and frowns what is it? She touches her cheek with her index finger and holds it up to her eyes. The light is too dim to see what it is. Isabel puts her finger in her mouth, the salty, metallic taste of blood invades her taste buds they had become familiar to the taste of stale bread and water; blood makes her frown deepen.

Isabel touches her arm and finds it wet, what is this? again she touches the wetness and puts it in her mouth and again the taste of blood filled it.

Her mind slowly starts moving, starts thinking why is there blood on her arms, what happened? She doesn't remember much, they've kept her drugged all this time making her eye sight swim and her head feel like lead.

And suddenly it strikes Isabel, her mind moves faster making the connection between the blood and the screams. If she'd had anything in her stomach or the strength to vomit she would have. Instead all Isabel can do is stare at the cold, dark metal above her, the only witness to the atrocities inflicted upon her body.

The screams she'd heard so much were her own. The noises she heard and all that screaming.... tears run down her face and now she feels it; her whole body feels like it was torn apart and put back together over and over again.

Isabel had been the one screaming for hours on end. The wetness she now feels around her is her own blood. They've been torturing me Isabel realices all this time, I was the one screaming.

A sob racks her body making her scream in pain, her throat burns after she stops. She tries to turn on her side but the pain is so excruciating it almost knocks her unconscious. She gasps for air as the pain starts to diminish. She carefully hugs her chest with her arms and closes her eyes.

Isabel is scared to touch her body, scared to find out what horrors she's been put through so she doesn't, instead she squeezes her closed eyes and tries to draw on her happiest memory, of a time where she was happy and blissfully ignorant of her powers and the world.

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