Chapter two

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The sun light shines through the blinds hitting her straight in the eyes she grumbles and turns over only to have her body protest against it. Breathing hard she groans and opens her eyes, she blinks repeatedly focusing her surroundings; her brows knit together in confusion

"Where am I?" she asks aloud and coughs as her throat is dry, her hand touches her throat and she sees her bruised wrist.

It all comes slamming back to her, the three men, the fight, the struggle. Her eyes brim with tears when she remembers her almost rape. A small cry escapes her lips as she brings her knees to her chest and hugs them

"Oh my god" she sobs as tears stream down her cheeks "oh my god" her cries get louder until they wake Banner up, he stands alarmed and opens the door.

When he comes in the girl shrieks

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Banner says quickly, the girl struggles to get out of bed and stands wobbly

"Who are you?" she wraps the blanket around her, pressing herself against the wall

"I won't hurt you my name is Bruce" Banner says slowly and calmly

"Where am I?" she asks her voice shaking

"This is my house" Bruce explains "I found you hurt and surrounded by three unconscious men"

"So you didn't..." she shakes her head and squeezes her eyes shut "who saved me?"

"I don't know I was coming back from the store and heard noise, when I went to see what was going on I saw you" Bruce half smiles "I couldn't leave you there so I brought you here and called a doctor to clean your wounds"

"And is there anything broken?" her eyes are wide open in fear

"Nothing, the doctor said you could get an x-ray she left her card" he searches his wallet and pulls out the doctors card and holds it over to her. She looks at the card and then at Bruce she takes small steps forward until she can reach the card and she takes it

"Why would you do this?" she whispers "I don't even know you" her brown eyes search his for an answer

"I've always tried to help others that's sort of why I became a doctor" he smiles

"Thank you, for everything" she says showing a faint smile on her lips

"You're welcome..." he pauses as he doesn't know her name

"Izzy" she says

"You're welcome Izzy" he rubs the back of his head in thought "what would you like for breakfast?"

"Anything you have is fine I don't want to bea bigger nuisance" she smiles nervously

"You're not a nuisance I'm glad I was of help" Bruce smiles again trying to comfort her "you can take a shower while I make breakfast" he remembers something and jogs to the other room so suddenly that he scares Izzy, he comes back a bag in his hand

"I got you some clothes" he offers them to her and she takes them

"Thank you" she whispers

"There are clean towels under the sink" Bruce points to a door on the right signaling the bathroom, he closes the door and goes to the kitchen.

The water turns on and Izzy removes the little clothing she has on, she steps into the shower and lets the warm water run down her body for a good five minutes, she cleans her hair and stares at the soap in her hands. A sudden urge overcomes her and she starts rubbing the soap across her skin as hard as she can, she's trying to erase those men's hands and their touch but she can still feel them, her entire body shudders and she throws up.

The vomit is washed away and Izzy is left trembling, the soap slides from her hand and falls on the shower floor, her knees buckle and she falls. Her body is raked by sobs she just can't seem to control, the images keep replaying themselves over and over again in her mind.

Izzy tries to stand but she's shaking so badly she can't. After a while she gathers enough strength to stand and finishes washing herself. She wraps herself in a towel and gets dressed.

Bruce heard Izzy's crying and it broke his heart to hear such a young women cry, it made him angry when he thought about how she had been abused and almost raped. At last the shower is turned off and he can hear her getting changed. He sets the table and brews some coffee, he flips the cheese omelettes and puts some juice on the table along with two glasses.

His bedroom door opens and Izzy walks out her short brown hair wet, dressed in some black yoga pants and a loose green blouse

"Thank you again for everything you've done" she says looking down avoiding his eyes

"Have a seat breakfast is done" he pulls out two plates and serves the omelettes. He sets one plate before her and another across where he sits

"It looks delicious" she gives him a small smile and takes a bite. They stay in silence as they eat and when they finish Bruce clears the table and washes the dishes.

"So Izzy do you want me to take you somewhere?" Bruce offers after drying the dishes

"No please don't worry about me I'll just take a cab to my apartment" she smiles "I'll be fine"

"I'd feel better if I came with you" Bruce shrugs "just in case" Izzys face pales momentarily before she smiles once more


Bruce grabs his keys and his wallet, Izzy grabs her purse and stuffs her underwear in it. They catch a cab and head to her apartment, when they arrive she gets out

"Thank you" she waves as the cab disappears, she takes out her keys and goes inside the building, she opens her apartment door and is received by the yipping of her corgi, Noodles.

"Hey there boy" Izzy says tired as she locks her door and shuffles her way to her bedroom she plops on her bed and Noodles hops on curling himself into a ball against her chest and they fall asleep.

The sun's gone down when Izzy awakens she yawns and Noodles does too, she scratches his ears and he wags his tail

"Let go eat" she stands and makes herself a quick cereal, she fills Noodles bowl and turns on her computer to check her e-mails

"Thank god it's the weekend" she whispers as she sees seven new messages from her boss, she serves herself some coffee and starts working.

Izzy works for the majority of the next day she only stops to eat and shower. By the end of the day she's finished all her work and has even gotten ahead on other assignments.

By the end of the day she's exhausted, she prepares her outfit for the next day and gets in bed

"Goodnight Noodles" she scratches his back and they fall asleep.

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