Chapter eighteen

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The door to the cells opens with a loud bang, Thor strides inside his face worried

"Hello brother, what did I do this time?" Loki asks tilting his head to the side in amusement

"Loki we caught the assassin" Thor says getting to the point

"My almost assassin?" He asks still amused

"He told us everything" Thor paces in front of the cell "he works for the same man you worked for, big and purple?"

"Yes I remember" Loki rolls his eyes "he helped me attack New York"

"Yes and now he wants his payment" Thor growls "you promised him power and when you failed to deliver it he decided to come after you"

"Sadly he failed" Loki says

"Yes and so he waited and sent the assassin to Asgard when he reported that you were not there they began searching for you" Thor explains

"Well they can't have found me or else they'd already be here" Loki replies

"Loki they found you" Thor says and takes a deep breathe "they saw you with Isabel" Loki stands up abruptly

"Isabel?" He asks

"Yes Isabel so it is of our lost importance that we don't lose sight of her" Thor says and stops pacing when he sees Loki's face turn white as snow "what's wrong Loki?" But Loki doesn't answer his eyes cloud over, lost in thought. I've lost her he thinks to himself

"Loki!" Thor yells worried even more

"Thor get me out" Loki says quietly

"What?" Thor asks stepping closer to him

"Let me out!" He yells and slams his fists on the glass

"No" Thor answers calmly "I'll protect Isabel, where is she?"

"Let me out Thor!" Loki snarls

"Where is she?" Thor asks

"I don't know" Loki says sadly "she came this morning saying she'd be back soon that she had something to do. Please I beg of you let me go find her" Thor stares at Loki's distraught face and slowly shakes his head

"I can't trust you Loki" Thor says "I'll look for her, I'll find her I promise"

"Thor please" he begs "please, I can't lose her not like Sigyn" Thor is about to answer when the door slams open again and in steps Tony in full suit, his mask off.

"Thor great you're already here" he says and stalks up to Loki "now pretty boy where's Isabel?"

"What?" Loki says his heart beating fast

"What happened Stark?" Thor asks

"Clint called minutes ago, frantic, he says Isabel's been taken by some aliens" Tony replies staring down Loki "so I want to know what you've got to do with that"

"I will explain on the way Stark" Thor say swinging his hammer nervously

"Please Thor" Loki says again "I beg of you" Thor thinks for a while and finally nods he opens the door to Loki's cell all the while gong stares at him with disapproval

"If I find out that you planned this," Tony threatens "we'll find out if you really are immortal"

Isabel starts to regain consciousness and the first thing she feels is the throbbing of her head. She groans and touched her head and hisses in pain. There's a red swollen mark on her forehead where the man hit her. She opens her eyes and is greeted by a sun light barely bright enough to make out her surroundings.

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