Chapter three

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The next morning she gets dressed, eats her breakfast and walks Noodles. She then gets a cab and goes to work, when she arrives at her desk her coworker peaks out from behind her computer 

"Hey there Izzy how was Friday with the crew?" Jamie asks "I wish I could've gone but my baby needed me"

"It was fine" Izzy smiles organizing some papers on her desk "the food was really good"

"I'm glad you had fun" Jamie smiles kindly, Izzy's stomach falls at the comment but her smile doesn't waver

"Isabel" her boss calls

"Goodbye calm and quiet" Jamie jokes, Izzy stands smooths her skirt and walks into her boss's office

"Yes Ms. Potts?" she says holdong her hsnd before her

"How are you?" Ms. Potts asks shuffling some papers on her desk. The question. Confuses Isabel

"I'm fine Ms. Potts and you?" Isabel says politely thinking it's the best approach to the weird question. Ms. Potts leaves the papers alone and looks up to her

"I know about the events that took place on Friday" she says calmly, Isabel's hands begin to shake. She squares her shouldera

"Nothing happened at the restaurant" she says

"After that Isabel" Ms. Potts stands ad walls over to her "if you wish to tall about it you can" despite trying to act calm tears behin to pool in Isabel's eyes, her lips quiver. Ms. Potts hugs her causing Isabel tp crumble she wraps her arms around the thin woman crying into her shoulder

"I was... so... helpless" Isabel sobs

"It's alright you're okay now" Ms.Potts patts her back and smoothes her hair. Isabel breals away after a few minutes ans wipes her eyes with a tissue that is offered to her

"Thank you" she sniffs

"You're welcome" her boss smiles at her "remember we have psychologists if you need them"

"I'll be fine" Izzy smiles and takes a deep breath to steady her pounding heart "nothing worse happened"

"Anything you need I'm here in my office" Ms. Potts hugs her once more and Isabel returns to her desk. The day goes by smoothly, she has just enough work to keep her mind occupied but not too much so that she's overwhelmed. When the day's over she feels good. She waves goodbye to Jamie and exits the building, she walks to the edge of the sidewalk to search for a cab. She sees one and is about to motion towards it when a hand lands on her shoulder. She grabs it and hurls the person over her shoulder

"Jesus Izzy" the man gasps and rolls into fetal position

"Chris?!" Isabel asks shocked "what are you doing here?"

"I think I broke something" he gasps

"Stop being a baby" Izzy smiles "I barely touched you" Chris groans and stands up, he cracks his back and stretches

"If you don't love me just tell" he says winking

"You scared me you idiot" Izzy scolds him "it's your fault"

"I thought you'd be happy to see your older brother" he pouts making her laugh

"I am" she hugs him and he hugs back

"Come on lets go" he grabs her hand and leads her to his car "I invited the idiots to dinner" they close the door and he starts the car

"That's good we haven't been all together in a while" Izzy puts on her seatbelt as Chris drives.

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