Chapter fourteen

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When they enter the main floor, where the party is, everyone turns to stare at them. Thomas is dressed as Jon Snow, Lord Commander; Sam is Jamie Lannister, King Slayer and Chris is Peter Baelish, Little finger. Isabel is dressed as Cersei Lannister queen mother, she blushes as all the attention falls on them, thankfully just then Tong enters from the other elevator wearing a black Iron man suite with cheap, plastic kitty cat ears on his head and a tail. Everyone laughs when they see him and resume their conversations

"You look dashing!" Tony says as he circles Izzy

"So do you Tony" Isabel says trying not to laugh

"Love the ears man" Chris says as Isabel bursts out laughing she dobles over and has to fan her face to keep from crying. Tony just smiles and goes mingle with his guests. Isabel and her brothers go to the open bar and pour themselves a drink

"Isabel" Pietro says behind her, Izzy turns and smiles at him

"You look great" she says admiring his Viserys Targaryen costume

"Thank you" he smoothed his vest "you look beautiful"

"Thank you, although I wasn't sure if this cape made my butt look big or not" Thomas says pulling his cape this way and that and turning to admire his butt

"I think it looks fine" Sam says

"Don't lie to the poor man" Chris says in falsetto "it look enormous"

"Cut it out guys" Izzy scolds they while trying to hide her smile she turns back to Pietro who has an amused and confused look on his face "just ignore them and thank you" Pietro offers her his arm and she takes it. They go around the party making polite conversation with the guests. Most of them are important business man and others are from the military but there is a handful of scientists, most likely Banners friends.

A booming laugh startles Isabel making Pietro chuckle and her frown

"Well, if I had any doubt that Thor was still unwell it has just vanished" Isabel mutters and excuses herself from the conversation, Pietro continues talking with the military guests. She weaves through some guests until she finds Thor telling a battle story and reenacting some scenes while managing not to spill his drink. Izzy waits until Thor finishes his story to approach him.

"Hey Thor" she says and sits beside him Thor's smile wavers his eyes cloud momentarily seeing Sigyn instead of Isabel, he's about to say her name but catches himself he clears his throats and smiles

"Lady Isabel" he says

"Just Isabel" Isabel corrects

"You look lovely" Thor takes her hand and plants a kiss on it making Izzy laugh

"Thank you Thor" she says "why didn't you dress up?"

"I am a god I don't dress up" Thor explains

"Right" Izzy rolls her eyes "how are your wounds?"

"Fine" Thor smiles "the infections has disappeared and the wound has closed. I still can't bend down or it'll reopen but everything else is fine"

"That's good" Izzy says "Loki will be glad to hear that" Thors smile disappears at the mention of his brother

"You have not been talking to him have you?" he asks locking their eyes together, Isabel blinks and shakes her head

"No I was just thinking of when you go and tell him" Isabel lies and raises her eyebrow "you're fine now so I see no reason why you shouldn't go talk to your brother"

"I have told you Isabel" Thor sighs deeply "he is not my brother" Izzy shakes her head at him

"Keep telling yourself that" she whispers

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