Chapter Forty-Eight

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Harry's P.O.V

I cautiously make my way to the group, keeping a careful eye on the goons who wait in line with the girls. Two of them flirt shamelessly with Kitty and her pals, but I could care less about that. 

Instead, my gaze is fixed on the tall lad who tries to get Hazel's attention. Even though she stares bashfully at her feet, Hazel politely follows along with his chin wagging, failing to tell her new found admirer to scram.

"Harry!" Kitty calls out as she motions me forward. I reply with a mere nod, biting the inside of my cheek to stop me from going up to the bum chatting up Hazel. I look away, knowing that if I have to stare at him stare at her, I'm going to say something and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.

"Oh, you're a funny one, aren't you?" I hear Lucy say to the lad as everyone finishes chuckling at something he's said.

Bet five pounds he isn't, I scoff loudly.

Too loudly.

The whole group, Hazel included, looks over at me, waiting for some sort of explanation.

"Just something in my... um... just.." I stutter as a muffled chuckle brews amongst the lads. "You know what? Nevermind," I pout defensively. 

The lads fall into a full on laughter while both Kitty and Lucy eye me with far too much intensity. My hand instinctively flies up to the back of my neck as I look away uncomfortably, but not before catching Hazel biting back a little smile. It almost brings a little relief, but I'm interrupted before I can fully calm down.

"Harry," Lucy says. "It's Harry right?" Her voice jingles like Sunday bells, eerily reminding me of that awful guilty feeling you get before they call your name for confession.

"Harry's fine, yes," I stammer.

"Do you have someone you'd like to sit with on the ride?" Lucy asks with a smile. Both Niall and Hazel whip their heads at her as I'm sent into a nervous coughing fit.

Lucy cocks her head slightly as she continues to smile at me with calculating eyes. 

"I just know I'm in your way so if you need me to move so you can stand with the person you'd like to go on with..."

What in the devil is this gal up to?

"Oh, just come by me Harry!" Kitty calls. "We can sit together!"

My eyes go a little wide as I feel my body go rigid. 

 "Uh," I awkwardly respond.

"That'd be so sweet!" Rachel, Kitty's most annoying friend, cuts in. Why couldn't Louis enjoy poking fun of the nice girls at work?

My breathing hitches as the group suddenly becomes aware of my panic. The girls stifle back giggles, except for Lucy and Hazel of course. Hazel just keeps on staring at her feet while Lucy's red curls might actually have turned a darker shade with anger. Luckily, Louis saves me just in time.

"Sorry Kitty, this fine fella owes me a drink. You all just go on and have your fun."

"Oh yeah, grab me another, yeah?" Liam asks causing Niall to start cackling.

"No, you're cut off!" Louis laughs as he starts to walk away. The group all laughs and continues with their fun as they wait on the line, again except for Hazel. Hazel moves forward a little but the lad chatting her up doesn't, making the two of them completely too close.

"Mate!" Louis calls, forcing me to look away. "Come on!"

Hazel looks up at the sound of Louis' voice, a small smile on her lips. I almost smile back, but the sight of the goon eyeing her makes my stomach churns into a cold, empty pit. I bite back the urge to tell him off and instead skulk away.

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now