Chapter 14

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"I'm not interested in what you have to say, Alvah. I don't care what you decide to get into my head, it isn't going to happen," Emmie snapped. 

"You're in over your head, Emmie. First sun child in the vampire council and now you're against them all," Alvah put a smug look on his face, "Or... are you against them all?"

Emmie looked around, hiding a nervous look, "You have no idea who you're talking about."

"Maybe I don't." Alvah leaned against a tree with a smirk.

"You need to go. You have no business here. They aren't coming if you're in the barrier, you know that." Hunter snapped.

"Fine, but I'll be back. With Karayan and Gualtiero." Alvah vanished. 

"Stupid teleporting ability." Ashton crossed his arms, making us look at him.

"Jealous?" Randeria asked with a chuckle. 

"What are strength and speed not enough for you?" Hunter laughed with Randy. 

I turned around and sat by myself, thinking about Alvah's words. What did he mean when he was talking to Emmie? Is she not against the council? I'm going to have to talk to her about it. 

Karayan and Gualtiero. Those names stuck out to me, "Hey Alvah said something about two people--" 

"Karayan and Gualtiero. The council leader is Gualtiero, his wife is Karayan." Ashton cut me off. 

Emmie laughed, "May as well make it the other way around, how Karayan is making it all work. She is the one controlling it all, even though it's Gualtiero who fulfills the prophecy." 

"So they're like the king and queen of the vampire world?" Maya asked. Everyone else nodded. 

"And if Alvah brings them back here, we're going to have an issue. If they leave the base, everyone comes with them." Hunter paced around thinking, "We need to leave from here. As soon as we can."

"Where will we go? I don't think there's a single place that won't have at least one vampire council member there." Ashton sighed,  running a hand through his hair, "I don't think we stand a chance against the council. Not now, or ever." 

"Werewolf premises." Lucas cut in, "They wouldn't dare go there twice without warning, we need to go back to my house." 

"Yeah, right. The council is trying to start a war with the werewolves, not bring peace." Randeria advised. 

"No, I think Lucas is right," Emmie stepped in front of everyone, "the council wouldn't want the werewolves to know what's coming. They wouldn't break the treaty unless it was time for it. It isn't that time yet."

"Only problem with that is we would have to go the long way. I'm not letting Lucas take another beating from that other werewolf family, let alone any of you." I said stubbornly. 

Lucas and Emmie took a step towards each other -- something that could have gone unnoticed. I decided to excuse it. They were just scared, wanting to close space between the group. 

"How do we leave this forest without being caught?" Maya asked. 

Everyone thought to themselves, trying to make a plan, "We wing it." Hunter decided.

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