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(Back to Willows perspective)

The burgs thrusters thundered as we descended to the grass surrounding the headquarters to Wicked. We were instructed to land quickly so we could get inside the building faster. I knew the people of Wicked had already spotted us and were just waiting behind the doors for us.

"As soon as we hit the ground get out of here and wait for the other burgs to land. Then we will all go in at the same time." I instructed my small group that was on my burg. They all nodded in response ready to get out of the flying contraption. With our hatch door rotating downwards, we could see the other two burgs had already landed with Gladers streaming out of them. Finally the hatch door widened, we walked out to were Minho was at the front of the group.

"Are you ready?" He asked, eager to get inside. "I'll tell them we are ready." I nodded my head to tell him ok. "Alright we are all ready to go." He spoke into a device.

"Sounds good, tell me when you're ready." Oliver on the other side spoke. Minho looked over at me.

"I think I'm ready." I said raising my gun, given to me by the people from the mountains.

"Now!" Minho blared into his device. We all started to charge the door, yet stayed silent. The swung open with the force of the boys in the front. We expected gun fire to erupt as soon as we stepped in. Darkness filled the hallways. I looked back to see the confused faces of the other Gladers. I motioned them on to continue walking. We hadn't heard any other gunshots from the higher levels, where the two other burgs landed. We continued down the halls turning corner after corner.

"Willow," I turned back to see Newt bending down to pick up a piece of paper. He locked eyes with me, motioning me over. My breath hitched in my throat as soon as I read it.

We have done the job for you, no need to worry. You are welcome.
-Group B

Newt read the note to the group. I stood still numb from the shock.

"We need to go and tell the other group." Not aware who said it, I trailed in the back of the group. I still couldn't believe what I had read. As we walked through the halls of Wicked I still couldn't believe the note we had found. Anyone could have wrote that. It could be a trap. Not sure I should believe something like that, I continued to walk. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blue glow that was coming out of a door cracked open. I wondered over to crack the door open, ready to shoot. The room was filled with racks that were waist height. Small tubes filled the racks. They radiated blue green light. On top of the rack that stood right in front of me a note folded in half.

The world has been destroyed, people have grown crazy, infected with the flare. We are being attacked, Wicked is being attacked as I write this. Please if you ever find this, I beg you, distribute the cures.
- Ava Paige

I looked to my right to see Ava Paige with blood stained onto her white lab coat.

"Gally!" I screamed, unable to move.
We stood in the Wicked headquarters holding hands. Staring at the two notes that we had received that day. This is to new beginnings.

And that would be the end of this series. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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