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"Ok where do we go?" Some one said in the back of the group. We emerged into a large street filled with people. They all walked along with rags covering their mouths. People in red shirts walked around everywhere. They carried large guns and small contraptions. I assumed they were the security.

"We need to get someplace to stay." Minho said. Stepping out of the crowd of gladers.

"Good that. I'd like to get off of these streets so we can form a plan." Newt said looking around at his surroundings.

The small group of gladers began to walk down the narrow sidewalks of the large streets. The city stretched on for what seemed like miles, considering we were walking. The sky scrapers loomed far above us. As you looked up to try to see the top of them, the sun reflecting off of them blinded you.

"Can we get foood!" Willow finally spoke up. She hadn't said anything since we got off the burg. I could tell she was still exhausted but she was pushing through with everyone else. All I wanted to do was just pull her into a hug and never let go. I thought we could probably just stay in this city forever and not even bother going back to Wicked. I knew Willow really wanted to take down Wicked, but that was only if we got the people that we needed. I hadn't realized that I was staring at her. She turned her head to look at me. Once she saw my stare bore into her head, a small smile grew on her face and she raised her eyebrows. I let out a small laugh still looking at Willow. I finally couldn't take it any longer. I walked over to willow and engulfed her in a big hug.

"Of course we can get something to eat." I whispered into he ear. I pulled back just enough to see her smile from ear to ear.

"It's about time someone said something about that! I'm starving." Minho practically shouted.

"My goodness Minho, keep your voice down. We don't want to draw anymore attention to us than we already are. I mean we are walking around in a big group of boys!" Newt said, flustered. Willow didn't bother will correct him as to they weren't all boys.

"I think he's right." I said. "Newt has a good point. Everyone else in this city walks around by themselves of with a couple of other people. Don't you think we will become suspicious, walking with a huge group?"

"Yeah. We need to split up." Thomas moaned. "As much as I hate the idea of leaving you guys we've got to."

"Now wait a minute Thomas, your just saying you'll be willing to leave all of us with a snap of a finger, just because this shuck face said so?" Minho walked closer to Thomas as he spoke and pointed at me regarding the shuck face.

"What are you talking about? I'm not leavening you guys." He turned to talk to the group. "We need to each get different rooms to sleep in, and maybe in different buildings. Just think Minho, in this city no one come in with a group of 15 boys and all gets one room. They will think we are doing something."

Minho rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Look I just don't want us to grow apart. We are all in this together." He lowered his voice at the last sentence.

"Of course not!" Thomas replied.

The group let out sighs as if they were holding their breaths and "good that's".

"Lets go get rooms to sleep in first." Thomas said.

People nodded heads and began to follow in line walking deeper and deeper into the more torn up part of the large city.

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