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Bullets whizzed past my body. Some skimming my clothes. I could feel the electricity in the air being shot from some of the guns. None of our 15 boys had fallen yet. We had busted onto the roof of the Wicked headquarters. We decided to make a run to the burgs. The doors already open as an invitation for us to walk in. The boys that had the first and second burg easily made it. Lucas' burg was already hovering getting ready to leave. Halfway to the burg I heard a bloodcurdling scream. I turned back to see Gardner clutching his right arm. I ran back to pick him up. He let out another wail from my grip under his armpit. Gally showed up on the other side of the struggling Gardner. We made it. We began to limp up the ramp into the large monster. One last crack of another bullet landed in my left shoulder, almost hitting Gardner once again. My shoulder erupted in flames.

"Close the door!" I screamed into the burg hoping Thomas would hear me. Gally slammed his hand into the wall right next to him. I thought he was doing it out of anger yet out of the corner of my eye I saw the ramp beginning to raise. Gardner moaned in pain beside me. I looked over to see blood falling from his forearm. I struggled to stand up but once I did I helped Gally drag Gardner over to a long couch on the opposite wall.

"You got shot too." Gally mumbled under his breath.

"Yeah I know. I'm fine for now." I stated a little to quickly. "I'm going to go get Thomas. He will get these bullets out of us, your going to fly this thing." I ordered as began stomping toward what I thought would be the front of the burg. I began becoming slightly more light headed then what I would have liked. Before I knew it I crashing against one of the walls of the burg.
I woke up with a throbbing pain. I let out a cry of pain from the immense feeling that was coming from my left shoulder. I looked down to see blood everywhere. The blood had seeped onto my shirt and made its way to my coat, staining my white lab coat. It didn't matter anymore, but it was a shame.

I sat up from the uncomfortable blue chair I was in.

"Oh my gosh." I groaned from pain shooting through my shoulder. I spotted gardner crashed out with a blue bandage wrapped around his arm. I stood up hoping to find where everyone else was. I started again toward the front of the burg. I knocked on a navy blue door hoping someone would answer.

"In here!!" A muffled Chuck yelled back. I swung open the navy blue door to reveal a rather large cockpit. Thomas stood up from controls quickly. Gally shot up from his seat and in two steps was in front of me.

"You need rest!" He said forcefully putting his hands on my shoulders to turn me around. I cried out in agony from the pain running through my body. Then I passed out, crashing back into Thomas' arms, before I hit the floor.

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