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"We have got to find the gladers," I told Gally as we ran down the twisting halls of Wicked.

"You think they will want to come with us?"

"It's worth a try." I panted.

"I know where they put them." He said simply and took the lead. We silently padded down the silent halls. It made me worried that no one was coming to find us yet. But grateful that we might have a little more time. Gally seemed to run in the same direction as the 3 boys' dorm room. Once we had reached the ending of one hallway, we could hear yelling inside of a room near the end. I glanced at Gally's worried face.

"Let's just hope that's the gladers yelling," I said as I swung the door open and stepped inside. Gladers were scattered all over the room. Minho and Thomas were at the front of the room yelling at a group of boys. Others had panic and fear in their eyes.

"LISTEN HERE!" I screamed over the loud voices. Everyone's eyes were glued to me. "We are going to Denver, to gather up people to take down Wicked. You can come with us and have a chance to survive, or you can stay here and die letting them test on you." I kept my voice level and calm trying to get the message through their chaotic brains as fast as possible. Frypan looked back at the other gladers, trying to read their emotions.

"We are coming with you," Frypan answered for all of the gladers. He seemed to be the leader of the seven that got their memories back. I shook my head in agreement.

"Good that. We were going to head out next week but Lucas has agreed to come with us. He was the last thing we needed, so we need to get moving." As I said these words Lucas busted through the door.

"Is this who you were looking for?" Chuck and Gardner peeked into the room. Thomas ran over to Chuck and had a family reunion between them too. I patted Gardner's back and hugged him.

"It's good to see you again Gardner," I told him.

"You to Willow." he smiled at me. I loved the kid. He was like my little brother, I had to protect him.

"Alright enough with the love fest, we gotta go!" Minho stated. We started out the door when a blaring sound came from every crevice of the room.

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