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"So you're Ava Paige's step son?" I asked.

"No dip." Oliver mumbled once again.

"Are you kidding me! What do you mean you're no help to anyone?" I replied.

"You have got a lot of explaining to do." Gally said. "So I suggest you sit down and start talking."

"Whatever." Everyone plopped down getting ready for Oliver to spill is story.
"Like I said I'm Chancellor Paige's son."

"Does she have any other kids?" Frypan asked.

"How the hell am I supposed to know!" He screamed the words with so much hatefulness. I blew off his out burst, determined to get the information me need.

"Continue with your story." I pushed. Oliver gave me a look that could have killed.

"When my father and her first got married she was just being to help Wicked. When she had first came into power as the Chancellor, she jumped at the opportunity for a young person to help her. She made me run tests, I had to see people go crazy. I watched people die in the maze. I conducted tests on Lucas' parents, that killed them." He looked down at his hands, obviously ashamed. "Then I had enough after my father "died". I escaped through the hands of Wicked, and I came here to get away from all of the madness. Yet people are almost as crazy here as they are in Wicked headquarters." He finally looked up to meet my eyes. He had a craving of what I hoped was revenge, in his eyes.

"Wow." Is all I could say in response.

"I think I will be willing to help you guys, but your going to tell me everything you know before I agree." Oliver said.

"Of course" I responded without consulting anyone else.

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