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"What is this klunck?!"

"We need to get out of here." This was a calm voice I hadn't heard speak in a while.

"Gardner is right" I spoke up. "We need to leave like now." Gladers began to get up and cram into the hall. I could see Lucas talking to Minho in the front of the pack. My eyes widened when I felt a firm grip on my hand. I looked up a a worried gally.

"I haven't talked to you in what seems like forever." He said in a low voice, so no one could hear.

"I know." I said softly. I was tempted to bury myself into his soft clothing. "We will be able to catch up on the burg ok." I said as a matter of a fact. He looked down at me with a small smile growing.

"Alright." He whispered and leaned down to leave my forehead with a tingle from his lips. Minho cleared his throat to begin talking to the group. I turned around to make direct eye contact with Thomas. He was staring so hard at me it made me worried. He didn't snap out of it until I smiled at him. He returned the smile and turned to listen to what Minho had to say.

"Alright! We are going to run to the platform where the burgs are."

"What are burgs?" Someone interrupted. Minho rolled his eyes and sighed.

"A contraption that's going to get us the shuck out of here. Anyway, there is going to be three burgs out on the platforms. We are all going to split up. Be ready to fight when we get up there, guards could be anywhere by now." After Minho's speech Newt came around and told us our groups.

"You guys are going to be on the farthest burg." He motioned to Gally and I.

"But I don't know how to fly that thing." I stated.

"Exactly," He replied "We figured you two could figure it out." I looked up at Gally who had a large grin plastered onto his face. "We aren't leaving you on that thing by yourself! Thomas, Chuck, Gardner and some other shanks will be on there with yah."

"Ok," I laughed "Who is flying the others?" I asked curiously.

"Me and Minho will fly one of the buggers and Lucas knows how to fly, but we put Frypan,Winston, and Clint on with him just in case." I nodded my head in satisfaction. Without warning, Thomas and Minho began to jog away from the group.

"I guess we are leaving." I said as we ran closer to our freedom.

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