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Chuck rushed into the "living room" of the burg.

"I think we are here!" His eyes wide with excitement, or fear. Or both. I was leaning on Gally about to drift off into slumber. I sat up looking at Chuck with a grin.

"How long did it take us to get here?" Gally asked with his eyebrows raised.

"At least a couple hours because it's already dark." About that time Thomas emerged from the cockpit, walking down the hall, with Gardner close at his heels.

"We're here." Thomas had a monotone voice, not sounding to thrilled.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked standing up.

"I looks like the maze." His eyes flicked between Gally and I. "Tall walls, just like the maze"

"It's can't be like the maze." I replied "This is supposed to be a safe haven. " Thomas just shook his head in response. "Have the other burgs landed?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah." Thomas nodded.

"Lets go talk to the other boys." I said hopping up from the couch, quickly bounding across the burg.

"Wait!" Thomas screamed. By that time I had already pushed the button and the door was being lowered. Sand came flying into the burg swirling grains of sand everywhere. The heat busted through the small crack getting larger. It was getting dimmer outside yet I was surprised by how hot it still was. I staggered back from the sand sweeping in by the gallons. Chuck run over to slam the button back into the wall. Once again the door was back in its resting place. I was stunned into silence.

"That's the scorch." Thomas said in a monotone voice. "Once it becomes night time the wind will die down and we will actually be able to open the door without that happening." He pointed to the floor of the burg now coated in a small layer of sand.

"Oh." Is all I could get out.

"Well in the meantime I'm going to take a nap. I've been trying to stay awake for hours." Thomas stated "I'm pretty sure there is another couch back here." he motioned to the back of the large room, down a dim hallway. I nodded in response   

"Me too." Chuck said yawning, right on Thomas' heels. Gardner plopped down and was asleep within minutes. I was the only one left standing. I turned around to face Gally still sitting on the couch. He had a grin creeping up his face. He held up his arms like a little kid wanting a hug. I chuckled, walking over to plop into his arms. I sat down right next to Gally leaning into him laying my head on his chest. I looked up at him with droopy eyes, as he kissed my forehead.
I leaned down to kiss her forehead as her eyes closed, sleep taking her away.

"You guys are disgusting." A voice startled me making snap my head to my left. Thomas' head stuck around the corner of the hallway.

"Go to sleep shuckface." I said as I could feel my face growing red. He rolled his eyes and chuckled, heading back down the hall.

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