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willow's perspective
(I hope you noticed that it was gally's perspective for the last couple of chapters)

At first I wasn't really sure where we where going but I just kept my mouth shut and followed Thomas. I hung close to Gally's side. My cheeks were still red from Gally's embrace. He would brush his had against mine just to make my cheeks a brighter pink. I would look up at his scowling just to see him with the biggest grin on this face.

"You know you were the one who lead this rebellion, you could actually tell these shanks what to do." Someone spoke to me from behind. I turned my head to see big brown eyes and short chestnut hair that I knew to be Gardner. A large grin was plastered on his face. I dropped back from Gally to walk next to him.

"You know, your probably right, but I think I'll let the boys do the bossing around for now." I chuckled at the remark as Gardner began to talk again.

"So how's that shoulder of yours doing? I never really got to ask you about it before we headed off into the city." Gardner was the first person to mention my injury. Even I had gone completely numb from pain. I hadn't even payed any attention to my wound.

"I'm pretty much numb to pain now. I'll probably have to change the bandage whenever I get the chance." Gardner nodded his head at my reply "What about that arm of yours?" I asked poking the side of his rib cage to lighten the mood.

"You know it's doing better. I don't want to say it but.." Gardner stopped mid sentence. I continued to look at him as his eyes widened from whatever he saw. I looked quickly up at the front of the group to see a man in a red shirt had stopped us.

"Hey just calm down." I whispered to Gardner. The man held a large gun and a different contraption was strapped to his hip. The only thing that was strapped to his waist looked scarier that the gun he carried in his hand. I could tell Thomas and Minho where talking to him in the front of the group. The group had completely stopped walking. I slowly moved up to where Gally was standing and grasped his hand. He didn't bother looking down at me, all he did was squeeze my had to say it's alright.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He came out of nowhere. They became suspicious just like Newt said and they stopped us." His voice was barely above a whisper. His eyes were filled with fear. As were everyone else's.

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