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I stood next to the boy I remember was named Winston, while they operated on his brain. I wasn't the one that actually operated on the boy. I stood behind a young man digging into his skull, watching. He stopped to explain things every once and a while. Supposedly I was to be the one taking out the memory block when the next group came in. All of it made me sick. I had talked and had dinner with this kid back in the glade. Now he was knocked out and cut open on a cold metal table. The boy, who informed me his name was Jacob, was cutting into my fellow glader. He finished rather quickly, which worried me on some levels. I was surprised because all of the other young people were still bent over the other boys. There was an older stern-looking man that stood in the corner watching over our operations. Accompanying him was a guard similar to Lucas. Dressed in all black with a large strap that had a gun attached, yet he wasn't as nice looking as Lucas was. Jacob said a few words to the older man. He nodded and let us exit through the metal door. Without a word, Jacob headed away without a word. That was weird. He didn't even say bye. But I shouldn't have expected him to tell me goodbye, we had met that day. A crazy idea popped into my head, and I started to head deeper into Wicked.

I arrived shortly in front of a door that I knocked lightly on. I was really hoping it would open, yet not sure if anyone was home. Soon the door swung open just enough to peek out. Once he saw me, he swung the door open to let me in.

"Willow." He incased me in a hug and quickly took me into his small bedroom. "Is everything okay?" He asked me with a concerned look on his face.

"I didn't think you would be here," I said relieved.

"We didn't have anything today because they had to do some type of work in other labs." He said not thinking twice.

"About that, I need your help."

"What is it?" He asked, worry in his eyes.

"The thing in the other labs was the other gladers! They are here. They were giving memories back. But Minho, Thomas, and Newt said no. I think they put them in a holding room. I need to see them." I said quickly. Trying to get it all out.

"How do you know they are here?" Gally said.

"I saw them. And they saw me. They think I lost my mind, Gally!" I was almost screaming at this point.

"Alright, alright babe. I think I know where they could be." He didn't think twice about calling me that, until he noticed that he had said it, his eyes got wide and he glanced down at me. My cheeks began to grow red and a smirk grew on his face. We walked out without another word.

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