When Her Mate Moves Into Town(Intro)

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A/N: Hey everyone! This won't be as long as my first A/N. Just wanted to let you know that the story doesn't really start in this chapter. This chapter is basically introducing the main characters. So that you get a feel of what they all are like and what they look like before the story really begins.



This story is about an 18 year old senior named Lane Regan Connor. People call her “LC” and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you calling her that as well.  Her nickname comes from the first letters of her first and last name, obviously, but unbeknownst to her it’s also because people think her to be a “Little Cutie”. Her 5’ curvy petite frame plays a big part to her cute factor and the fact that she’s very sweet, caring and soft spoken helps as well. The only thing not cute about this girl would be her eyes. Her striking Gray-Blue eyes.  Eyes so intense so full of emotion that at times you can’t help but feel what she feels. A little thing that comes along with being a Connor Werewolf. Without her realizing it, her eyes along with her pink full always moist lips and long thick wavy auburn hair makes her so seductive and wanted amongst guys.

So yes, that makes her popular in school. And she could care less. Not in a, “I’m popular and everyone just needs to leave me alone” way but in an “I’m not popular. I consider everyone my friend” kind of way. She will stand up for her friends if they need help but rarely stands up for herself. She brushes “accidents” from certain kids around the school off like they’re just that.  Accidents.  And that’s what makes her 2 older brothers the way that they are. Over protective.

Levi Mason Connor or “Ace” for short is LC’s fraternal twin. His outgoing and goofy ways makes him a very like-able guy. His 6’ lean and toned frame with his well-defined muscles makes him popular amongst the girls and it also helps him out on the field as captain of the Football team. But it can also make you regret messing with any one close to him. Especially his sister. Although his eyes don’t have Gray in them they can have a similar effect on you if you mess with his sister. The normal deep blue will get even darker to an almost black and can instill a fear into you that makes you think that that look alone was the punishment for messing with his sister.  So you run, and because he’s such a nice guy, he lets you go. No, that’s not why. It’s because LC is begging him not to do anything. One look into his sister’s eyes and all the anger melts away. A slap to the back of the head and a “Stop! You’re scaring you’re sister!” from Riley, his girlfriend of 4 years and LC’s good friend, does the trick as well.

Like Ace, Lawson Braden Connor a.k.a “Judge” or “B”, which only his sister is allowed to call him, has inherited that “Protect sister or suffer the consequences from dad, or worse yet, yourself” gene. He is very much like his brother looks-wise but is a good 2 inches taller than him. Back to that gene that the Connor boys have, protecting his sister pretty much comes before his “Protect and Serve” motto he has for being a cop. Now you might be thinking that that’s a bit too extreme but 1.) They live in a small town where little to no crime happens and 2.)In the Were community, things like rogues and mate-less males that are after your sister are way more important than a kid stealing a candy-bar. Don’t ya think?

I’ll tell you that Ryder Smith, a fellow cop and Judge’s best friend since before they can even remember, and the Connors third son they never and always had agrees with my last statement. Whenever he looks at LC through his Green eyes, or stands beside her 5’ frame with his 6’ frame he has this need to protect her from all those hormonal sexed-up teens. The need to make her his. When he’s by himself, this need to be near her and make sure no man touches her drives him crazy to the point where he pulls his Blond hair in frustration but in public he hides this obsession well. His hair done to perfection. He shows just enough concern on the outside for LC to mask his love for her and tricks her family and everyone around into thinking that his intentions are purely that of LC being his best friend’s sister and so of course he’s going to look out for her. But that’s about to change. He’s going to talk to Judge and ask for his permission to date LC and he doesn’t care if Judge denies him or not, LC and him will be together! “Mate or not, she’s mine!” he says.


Intros done! Well the most important, minus one, done!

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