Chapter 6

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3 days later and I was home, I ran in with my stuff and threw myself on the sofa, 'house I'm back' I looked to the air and smiled, then there was a knock at the door, I stood up and walked over smiling, who could this be, I opened it and it was Ross, 'hey Ross whats up', I grinned, 'hey yeah, this might sound weird cos we've only spent a week together, and Riker didn't want to come because he was scared', Ross face-palmed, and I chuckled, 'get to the point Ross', I looked at him sternly, 'now I see why Riker doesn't want to come, so yeah just wondering, you know that big house me and Georgina have, that the rest of R5 live in too, well they have moved out except from Riker, so there is room, but you aren't the only one being asked Caitlin and Becky are', he smiled at me obviously desperate for me to come, 'you want me to move in with you', I smiled, 'yes', he looked at me desperate for an answer, 'fine yeah should be good', I smiled, 'oh goody oh goody oh goody', he had a mini celebration at my front door, 'when am I comin', I smiled cheerfully, 'how is tomorrow', he grinned, 'TOMORROW, that's a bit fast isn't it', my tone in voice changed, 'I'll help you pack, I'll tell Riker to come and help, actually no he'll be packing the wrong thing in the wrong thing', He looked at the floor and put his hand on his chin, I cringed at what he'd said, as I knew what he meant,  'how bout we pack now, I mean Riker is in the car and I can just keep an eye on him', he smiled, 'fine, but I'm doing my room', I pointed at him, 'YESS', he fist pumped in the air and ran to the car to get Riker, who jumped out and smiled at me, they walked toward me, Ross jumped up the little doorstep and walked past me, Riker stepped up the doorstep and stopped and looked at me, 'hey', I smiled cheerfully, 'hey', he smiled back, 'come on guys we've got lots to do', Ross informed us with a funny look, we turned and walked off, I closed the door behind us, 'what shall I do', I huffed, 'well your doing your room and your gunna have to ring a the place where you sell your house because I guess you'll be selling it', Ross told me grabbing some stuff, 'ok I'll do that', I turned and ran upstairs, grabbing my laptop and attempting to sell my house online.

Finally it was done, I had put my house up for sale I was going to miss this place, even if I'd only lived in the house for 6 months, I moved here from England as did Caitlin, Becky and Georgina, We where all happy in America, I did like it.

After putting my house up for sale, I started on my bedroom, i stood there for a moment and huffed then got to work, i was gunna be here a while, I started by sorting my clothes out that would take the longest, then I would start on my other stuff which included things like my DVD's, Books etc.

I had finally finished, everything in my room was packed, Ross and Riker had moved upstairs and were packing the rest of the stuff, they were pretty quick on their feet, I walked out with a box of stuff, i tripped and fell but I was caught by Riker who just smiled at me, 'careful' he smiled, 'thanks' I smiled back, 'here let me carry that', he grinned, I handed him the box, he walked down the stairs with the box in hand, I turned away so I wasn't looking at him, and Ross was stood there smiling, 'what', I smiled at him, 'nothing', he smiled cheekily and walked toward me, 'so how are you and Riker', he smiled, 'I'm fine, I dunno about Riker ask him', I joked, Ross laughed slightly, 'no honestly', he asked smiling, 'I dunno Ross, I mean you saw me about 2 hours ago', I shrugged, 'fine' Ross giggled, 'so what we doing now', We heard Riker from behind us, 'Well I'll take the stuff to our house and unload everything then I'm gunna go home and prepare everything for Sara's arrival tomorrow', Ross looked at Riker, 'Ross honestly your treating me like royalty', I smiled at him, 'it gives me something to do', he smiled and walked off taking the last boxes to his car, 'do you wanna stay here for a bit', I asked Riker politely, 'yeah sure', he smiled at me and held my hand, 'Riker are you coming or staying here', Ross shouted from downstairs, 'I'm gunna stay here', Riker replied, 'Why did I bother asking, anyways see you guys later', Ross shouted to us, 'bye', me and Riker replied in unison, we then heard the door close, me and Riker went downstairs, 'do you want anything to eat', I asked Riker whilst walking into the kitchen, 'no I'm fine thanks', he replied placing himself gently onto the sofa, I walked back into the room with a packet of Haribos in my hand, I picked up the tv remote and pressed the button, the tv turned on and I flicked through the channels, then I decided there was nothing on so I went to my movies, Pirates of the Caribbean was the one Riker jumped happily at, so I put that one on it was the third one, At Worlds End, I sat next to Riker and started munching on my Haribos, then Riker took one, I gave him a 'you did  not just do that' look, he giggled and put his arms round me and pulled me in side hugging me, I pulled over my blacket as I was cold, and me and Riker sat munching Haribos and watching at worlds end, I fell asleep neer the end because I always cried, I fell asleep on Riker, I felt him kiss the top of my head as I drifted off into a nice sleep.

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