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It gets a bit heated towards the end....

"Miss McCoy." My professor Dr. Caldwell pointed at me with the pen in his hand. "Does a child learn behaviors from the parents or media?"

Was he seriously asking me this? "Is this strictly based on opinion or are you looking for a given fact?" I asked sitting up straight.

"Simply your opinion."

"A child learns from their parents, the media has nothing to do with the child's behavior." I paused. "It's all based on the parents and the environment that the child is growing up in. You live what you learn."

I hated the attention of the entire class looking at me. Dr. Caldwell didn't say anything so I threw in some more. "If you want me to answer the question solely based on media, again I say that it's based on the parents. Parents control what their child listens to on the radio and what they watch on television. Well at least they should."

"How can you say that parents control what their kids do?" The girl sitting in front of me asked.

"When you were a child did your mom or dad allow you to watch R rated movies? Could you listen to R. Kelly or Jodeci? I know half of us couldn't and that's because it could corrupt our innocent minds. We watched Disney movies and half the time those aren't meant for kids. Everything is focused on the mind of an adult. All we remember are the sad or fun parts more so the songs in these movies or shows."

The girl had nothing to say. "I believe that it's safe to say that your parents controlled what you were exposed to then. It wasn't until you were old enough to go out into your surrounding environment that they couldn't completely control what you were exposed to then.

The class was silent after that so I sat back down and Dr. Caldwell continued on with the lecture. I was trying to hurry up and leave because this was my last class of the day and I was ready to start my weekend.

"Hey mom." I answered my ringing phone walking back to my dorm.

"Hey baby, how are you?"

"Good on my way to my room. I'm going to Atlanta with the girls."

She made a snorting sound. "Jamar done gave you that car and you don't know how to act. You got money and stuff?"

"Yes ma'am even though I'm sure that you know that. You been checking my account?"

"Girl bye. I have to get back to work so call me when you touch down in Atlanta and make sure you see your family while you're there." She ordered before hanging up.

We all had our bags in my trunk since last night so all that needed to be done was filling the tank and rolling out. I entered the room to see Kia just waking up.

"Did you go to class?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"No. I didn't feel like it."

"Kia I'm not trying to lecture you but you're wasting money being here. Do you know how much it costs to attend college? You can't just lay around, party and not go to class. If you can't juggle all three, you need to focus strictly on your studies. I like you and I don't want to see you failing college boo. Now get up and get dressed."

I made my way across the hall to see Shae. "Shae!" I yelled but stopped to look at Aja's side of the room half empty. "Did I miss something?"

"She's moving off campus."

I shrugged and jumped on Shae. "I missed you."

"You just saw me when we were walking to the academic building."

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