The Dreamer.

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Today I saw him in my dreams again. I found myself in a late Victorian garden wearing a long cream dress, my hair was loose in long black curls, my feet were bare and my checks were sun burnt from the midday sun. The sun was nothing but a smear of gold and red across the horizon; I made my way through the moist carpet of summer grass. There were people in the distance, I could barley make out their red faces from where I stood, yet I was certain I knew them. I felt almost obliged to converse with them, however every fiber of my being was being fulled onward by an invisible force.

Once again I saw him, leaning on a tall willow tree, he was dressed in clothes that resembled my own. A white, loose fitting shirt and cream riding trousers pulled up to his knees. The sun was behind him and he looked glorious in the bath of brilliant gold. He was cautiously watching my every move, and I can't say I didn't feel flattered feeling his eyes on me. Just like me, he separated himself from the crowd. I had no interest in the others, if anything I despised them, I felt annoyed by their fake laughter, and bitter thoughts that clearly displayed themselves on their faces, but he was different, he wasn't as easy to read as them, he was mysterious, and that attracted me strongly.

As I walked over to the willow tree, I heard the distant buzz of chatter and laughter grow more and more faint and be over powered with the simply beautiful hum of birds. As I got closer the whole world seemed to disappear, when I got to the willow, the party seemed as it could have been thousands of miles away. I could see his face more clearly now, he had long brown hair, pulled back into a ponytail at the back of his head that was bound with a small black ribbon, his lips were gentle, he was handsome, but I didn't notice at first, I was too struck by his eyes. They were a pure and deep emerald green, and I felt as if I looked in them for too long I might get lost for ever, but along with the slight fear of loosing myself, I self drawn to his gaze and the secrets behind it, he was looking into my eyes as I had been looking into his, I opened my mouth to sa-

"..Just give me some candy, before I go, oh, darling I'll kiss your eyes..."

I opened my eyes to the sound of Marina and the Diamonds, as my 6:50 alarm clock rang. In just ten minutes Id have to get up and get ready for the day ahead, but that's 10 minutes away. Every day I'd wake up 10 minutes early to collect my thoughts, and prepare myself mentally for the hours to come.

I've seen him in my dreams before, always in the same time period. I'm always wearing the same soft, flowing cream dress, and my feet remain bare, my hair always in its naturally long curls and my complexion seems soft and untainted by our everyday, modern chemicals. I've seen him so many times before, but I've never taken much care, or dedicated anytime wondering about his presence. This is the closest I've ever come to him.

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