Unexpected Threats from Unexpected Sources

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Sans' POV. In which Sans makes a life changing decision. He just doesn't know that yet.

"I never meant to hurt you. That doesn't really matter. 'Cause in the end it hurts all the same."

-One Tree Hill


The world swam in and out of focus, hazy figures dancing in my vision as my eyes cracked open. I was instantly overwhelmed with nausea. Groaning, I tried to move, but as soon as I did, pain lanced up my spine. Stomach protesting, I turned my head to the side and gagged, hot liquid filling my mouth. Managing to roll over, I started coughing, the bile leaving my lips as I cried out. Someone cursed above me, the voice echoing in my fevered mind, gruff and angry. Hands grabbed at my neck, shoulders, and clothes, dragging me across the floor, and all I could do is weakly accept it. It wasn't like I could stop them in my condition.

I didn't know what was happening, but I was scared. I'd felt this way so many times lately it was... it was starting to seem like it just didn't matter. Maybe this was supposed to be happening? Maybe I really did deserve-

I yelped, body flying through the air weightlessly before crashing hard into... some boxes? I think they were boxes. I couldn't really tell at first considering I couldn't breathe.

The hands were back, roughly wiping at my face, making me whimper and weakly push at his chest. The person holding me down was too large and built to be a woman, but I doubt it would've made much difference. Two seconds after that my arms were pinned against my stomach, making it churn even more than it had been. Tears left cool paths on my face as I tried to focus on not puking all over the man's face. That wouldn't help anything.

"You bitch... making a mess all over the floor." His hot breath attacked my face and I gagged smelling the alcohol. "If you weren't already such a useless heap, I'd make you behave yourself." Fingers grasped my chin, forcing my head up as something was forced between my lips, cool liquid flowing down my throat.

"This better work or I swear to God... I'll beat this shit outta ya."


I shot up, breathing wild. My hands instantly went to my throat and face, trying to wipe away the feeling of the man's hands. Anything to get rid of the grimy feeling crawling across my bones. I felt so filthy all of a sudden, shivers overtaking my body as I sniffled, unwelcomed tears dripping down my face. I wiped at them in frustration, coughing hard as I nearly gagged, recalling the way the man had behaved in almost vivid detail despite my exhaustion. One touch was enough to feel the heat my eye was giving off and one look around the room was enough to show that I was glowing pretty bright, purple flashes creating moving shadows along the walls. The scattered trash and clothes on my floor were floating haphazardly a few inches above the ground, occasionally jerking around to nearly crash into the wall.

Clenching the tangled, messy blankets between my fingers, I fought to calm myself, shoving the thoughts and memories from my skull. I forced my breathing to calm, taking a deep breath in, then out. In. Out. In and out. It took a while, but my breathing eventually evened out, leaving me a softly panting lump. Leaning back on my hands, I stared at the ceiling, feeling sweat drip from my chin as it slipped from my forehead and mixed with the remaining tear tracks.

This had to stop. I didn't know how much more I could take.

Swallowing one more time and gathering whatever strength I had left, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, successfully untangled from their warm bonds in a few seconds. Several bones popped as I did, adjusting to the sudden shifting of my muscles, and I rolled my neck, flinching at the sharp crack that echoed around the otherwise soft room. God, I must've slept in a weird position. I was so damn stiff.

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