Strange Human

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Sans' POV

Pretty much chapter 5 from his point of view.

Also, check out to learn about an art contest for chapter 2! It's the official Meldtale Tumblr!


The first thing I registered about her was that, whilst she was a little uncertain about me, she wasn't afraid. Instead she seemed enthralled, her brown eyes scanning over my form. I mean, I could understand. After all, I was a boneified, sanssational skeleton. But having so much attention focused towards me was starting to make me uncomfortable.

So, I did what I did best and did something I shouldn't have. I let my anger and confusion overflow, my hand raising into the air in frustration. It was then the fear appeared in her eyes, except it was overwhelming, the feeling of panic hitting me straight in the chest. I nearly fell over, breath knocked out of me, and I gasped as my knee-caps (patellas) hit the floor. The thud that echoed around the room proved I wasn't the only one who had fallen, but I barely heard it.

Vision going in and out of focus, I felt the floor beneath my hands, my fingers clawing at it. How could a skeleton be out of breath? I didn't know, but I was heaving trying to drag air into my nonexistent lungs. Sweat dripped from my face.

A small cry made me look up, fear pulsing in my soul. I could just make out the human, curled in on herself and shaking terribly. She's doing this... I tried to grab her shoulder, frustration swallowing the panic for a moment, my own hand trembling and rattling.

I had just brushed against her when she flinched back and something flashed in my mind's eye. A hand swinging forward, heading straight for my face, and I was completely unable to move. I growled and the image was gone as soon as it came, forced away.

"shit..." I focused, channeling my magic as best as I could through the turmoil in my mind, barely able to grasp it. The familiar spark in my eye, followed by the tell-tell violet tinting of her skin let me know I had succeeded for the moment. Thankfully, she wasn't able to pull away when I managed to touch her shoulder this time, though she did since, and I gently brushed the tips of my fingers along her face.

I had no idea what to do.

"human... i'm not gonna... hurt you. but you just... gotta calm down. okay?" My voice was weak, close to begging to my utter disgust. But so long as the fear stopped. It seemed to calm her, thank Asgore, her eyes peeking out at me from behind her arms. I let her go, leaning back and rubbing my face, my fingers resting at my temples.

She let me explain though, and she took it fairly well when I told her what was going to happen. I attempted to leave out the whole 'you're gonna die' part, but she seemed to already know to my surprise. Humans weren't as daft as I originally thought, but at least I wouldn't have to drag her into the Lab kicking and screaming. She was eerily calm, in fact. It sent a shiver up my spine. Then I mentioned Flower-boy.

"No." Her voice was soft, unused, and raspy, but I recognized the command behind the word. It made a flare of anger bloom in my chest, along with something I couldn't identify, but I didn't move or speak. Her hands were already moving again and I was a little rusty on my sign language. I really had to focus to get the whole message.

"Leave him alone and I won't fight you. I'll go with you willingly."

I blinked, utterly confused at this point. "but why? he's just a flower?"

"He took care of me. He's a good boy. He doesn't deserve any pain if he has a good soul." Her words shocked me, causing a stirring in my soul. I studied her, sought her thoughts through her eyes, and I saw... Truth.

I would be lying if I said I couldn't feel it either, even if I didn't want to be.

"fine. i won't hurt the flower." She nodded, content, and I got to my feet. I didn't bother to offer her a hand. "let's go then human." I moved towards the door, hearing rather than seeing her follow.

As we descended the stairs I let my thoughts wander since we were both silent. It was tense but strangely peaceful. I had expected a fight, but she wasn't resisting and I wasn't forcing her. Common ground is the best ground according to Paps.

The hallway was as dark and dirty as it was before. Nothing had changed obviously since I had climbed the steps this morning. It seemed to bother the human, though, her small form moving closer to me. It almost made me want to laugh. It should be me she was afraid of, not the dark.

Yet, as I opened the door to the next part of the Underground, I almost froze as a thought ran through my mind. The girl was busy staring out into the snowy forest, so she didn't notice my glare.

If I was to be honest with myself, it would be a lie to say she felt dangerous. I was starting to believe she couldn't hurt a fly. But why? I wasn't sure, so I shoved the thought away as nonsense.

Hopefully this would all be over soon.

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