The Start of.... Something

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Sans' POV.

It will only continue to grow.


I am returning to my other story for a little bit. Please be patient with me!


My eyes opened to reveal nothing but darkness. Confused, I glanced around, finding it nearly impossible to move my head. It felt heavier than normal, my thoughts slow and groggy. I managed to make out the shadows of my surroundings, realizing that the fire must have gone out, but my vision was blurry and I fought to refocus my eyes. It was deathly cold, the floor seeming to suck out the limited warmth in my legs. Wait.... My eyes widened as I felt my body shiver. I could feel the cold. Since when?

A strangled, high-pitched whimper left my lips, my body shifting, but without my consent, sending a panicked feeling through my chest. I couldn't seem to control anything, my arms and legs twisting as my body propped itself up. My breathing was harsh and it felt like my chest was going to explode, I couldn't catch my breath. Shaking hands rose to my face, chilly fingers rubbing at the squishy parts of my eyes. I would have flinched at the discovery had I had control. Since when did I have fleshy bits?

Eventually , the touches stopped, hands going back to rest on my chest as I reopened my eyes. I expected to see the familiar surroundings of the sentry station, but instead I was greeted by blank, gray walls and cardboard boxes. The ground was littered with dust, normal dust to my great relief, trash, and dirt.

"Hello?" The voice startled me more than anything. It was rather high-pitched, reminding me of when Paps was younger but feminine. And it came from my opened mouth. Head twisting, I actually got to get a quick look at my body. Needless to say, it wasn't my body. It was a human's. Somehow, I probably should have figured that out sooner.

A strange sort of comfort washed through me. I wasn't sure how to explain it really, but it was sort of relaxing to know I hadn't been kidnapped in my sleep. Or murdered by a little threat sleeping a few feet away. Yet, after everything I had seen so far of the human's memories, fear still drifted into my soul. This connection was bringing to many problems into the equation. I didn't need to know this girl's life story, and by the way things were going I really didn't want to experience them either.

"Mommy? Daddy?" God, just how young were they? She sounded less then ten, no more than seven probably. I tried to keep her feelings of terror at bay as our connection fluctuated. I could feel her lungs contracting painfully as she drew in a staggered breath. It felt like something was clogging her throat, making it hard for me as well. I didn't know how humans did it. Without air, they were completely useless. At this point, despite my increasing dizziness, curiosity bloomed in my chest. Just what was going on here?

I tried to focus on what she was feeling, letting the aches and pains breech through the barrier I had instinctively created between what was happening to her and my own consciousness. I immediately had to back track, surprised at the heat and chills that simultaneously washed over me. She felt terrible and it was easy, despite my limited knowledge of humans, to tell that she was sick. Monsters barely ever became ill, but we all were sick at least once, and trust me. You never forgot it. Monster illnesses were typically deadly , so were humans the same way?

The human coughed quietly, a weak and watery sound that made me cringe. It felt like her throat was on fire. Pity began to build up in my stomach, a vile reminder that something inside me was disgusted with the fact that I didn't know half of the stuff I thought I did about humans. Why was this girl, Frisk, laying on a hard concrete floor if she was so sick? If I could tell then surely her parents could as well.

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