A Ghostly Battle and a Mysterious Figure

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Frisk's POV.

A ghostly battle ensues


I stared at the name for a moment, before looking around uneasily. The buttons blinked out of existence, leaving me to prepare myself for whatever the monster would throw at me. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long for the drops to return, and this time I was ready.

I dodged them with ease, twisting and dipping beneath most of them. My soul followed my every move, only getting hit a few times, but the pain wasn't all that bad, just causing an increasingly tightening grip in my chest. It wasn't intolerable, though. I'd been through worse.

However, even as I maneuvered around everything they threw at me, they never showed themselves. The attacks came from absolute nothingness. It didn't seem to last as long this time around, thankfully.

It died out quickly and I hit Act, breathing hard. I hadn't move this much it years. It was great. "My name's Frisk. Where are you? I'd like to meet you." A laugh accompanied my words.

"Sign language, huh? Oh, I guess I did forget to become visible, my bad. It's a habit." I watched, a little stunned, as a purple form took shape slowly. He had no arms, legs, or head really, but his eyes and mouth were present, almost like a floating blob. Well, that's rude. I swiftly shook my head and frowned, causing the ghost to chuckle.

"You're a human right?" Another batch of water flowed towards me and I saw it was a lot like the Froggit's attacks from earlier. The drops would appear around his body and just move towards me, or rather my soul. That was where they seemed to be targeted towards, like they were being drawn in. I quickly reached out and took the in my hands, ducking with it.

Act. "Hey, you're really good at your attacks."

"And you're good at dodging. Somehow, I thought humans would be easier to hit." I smiled slightly at the compliment before jumping out of the way once more.

Act. "So, are you attacking me because I'm a human? I've heard they're not to popular down here." I almost regretted the question upon seeing the small shadow overcome Napstablook's face, but a moment later he answered with a sly smirk.

"Not exactly. I thought you were Sans." I tilted my head as I dropped to the snow to avoid a full-frontal assault.

Act. "You know Sans? Are you friends?" Maybe this was my chance to find out more about him?

"Oh yeah, Sans and I have known each other for years. He's my favorite person to scare. He can be such a chicken." He chuckled, his eyes gleaming, and I sighed, leaping away from him as the ground exploded again. I was starting to tire.

Act. "How'd you know we were over here?"

"I know everything," he winked, "but I could also see you through the trees. I just figured he had finally decided to get a new coat." I giggled quietly, but it came to a halt as I tripped, landing face first in the snow. I felt a barrage of water hit my soul and I had to bite back a yelp of pain. That one hurt.

Taking a look at my HP, I saw that it had dropped to nine. I could only take two more hits. Pushing myself up, I attempted to stand, but my legs instantly gave out. Turning my attention to my feet, I saw that they had become a nasty shade of blue. That's when I registered just how cold I really was.

I was soaked and my fingers were a similar shade to my toes. It didn't help that the wind was starting to pick up and snowflakes were being to spiral down through the branches. I coughed weakly as I sucked air into my lungs. What was I going to do?

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