What is Going On?

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Sans' POV


My gaze was locked on the girl as she moved through the ruins, my body successfully hidden behind a crumbling pillar. I had to fight down the rush of magic that threatened to break free, my eye sparking. How dare she walk around like she owned the place. And then you had the flower, who was riding on her shoulder like a prized pet parrot, speaking softly into her ear. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but it couldn't be good.

Of course, Flower-boy had never shown any specific, aggressive behavior, but no one knew where he came from. He just appeared one day, out of the blue, and he wouldn't say who he was or even what he was. There were no other monsters like him and the Echo flowers, I besides the talking part, didn't have anything in common with him. He was an interesting case, one that I would've taken to my father if he hadn't reminded me of Papyrus so much.

I almost flinched at the thought of my dad, my mind trailing. That was the real reason I was here, hiding like some sort of stalker instead of just taking her down now. Added to the fact that we needed her soul. Otherwise, she would've been dead the moment I saw her. One can't be picky though, and as long as she didn't leave the Ruins she'd be fine. Although, if part of the ceiling caved in and crushed her, I wouldn't be caught complaining.

My attention was drawn back to the girl, who had suddenly stopped. I was unable to spot what had come in her way, the stone pillar blocking my view, but I had a good guess what it was, considering she was staring at the ground. The only monster, which lived in the Ruins, that didn't fly and was short enough for her to look down at them was a Froggit. I moved around, bringing the whole scene into sight, and I was proven correct.

The small, blue frog was simply staring at the human, poor thing probably didn't even know what he was looking at, and he didn't start hopping away like he normally would. An uncomfortable feeling started in my gut as I realized he had no intention to, which only increased as the girl's soul was pulled from her chest. The Froggit's soul mirrored her's, except for the fact that it was all a pale yellow and not a red-violet agglomeration. I could have gagged at the sight. Why I ever chose to save her, I don't know, but it made me sick to know I was being tainted like that.

Everything seemed to stall as the human started to move her hand, the appendage floating back and forth above the buttons which had appeared in front of her. My teeth clenched together, grinding against one another as an inner debate started inside my mind. I felt it in my gut, felt the answer she was going to choose, in our combined souls. She was going to fight, but I couldn't just kill her without proof, right? But was a Froggit's life worth it? It may not be a necessarily smart monster, or exactly helpful creature, but it was a monster life none-the-less.

I didn't have a chance to act anyway, my 'breathing' coming to a halt as she finally pressed down on one of the actions. My eyes narrowed as I realized what she had chosen. I was wrong. She had chosen Act, her hands moving in the familiar motions of sign language. "You look really adorable. I like your hat."

What the hell was that? Needless to say, I hadn't expected her to show such...mercy? No, she still could change her tune. And what was with the sign language? She couldn't talk? My thoughts flashed back to the memory that had been haunting me since I'd first soul-bonded with her. Somehow, I didn't think that was the case.

"Good-job! Now watch it, it's going to attack now." Flowey's voice was nearly shrill in excitement, the sound extremely annoying all of a sudden. The Froggit didn't bother to move as it materialized it's magic, the glowing, blue flies shooting forward as fast as they could go. I watched, my brows raising slightly. The human's body moved with ease, so I guess she wasn't feeling those broken bones anymore, not to mention the fact that she dodged with practiced ease. Her motions were smooth and quick, despite being maybe the slightest bit stiff. To be honest, I hadn't expected her to heal so swiftly. Even if we did soul-bond I didn't think it'd work at all, let alone this well.

The Froggit's attack didn't last as I hoped it would, the same twisting starting back up in my stomach as the magic flies disappeared. I needn't have worried, though. For, not a second after it was done, the human hit Spare and the Froggit hopped away without a single scratch. I almost felt numb. It wasn't possible. It wasn't possible for a human to show compassion. Not after what they had done.

But the girl didn't go after the monster, just watching as it vanished down the corridor before turning back towards the distant mansion, a smile barely apparent on her face. I wasn't able to look away at first. She didn't attack. It didn't seem real.

My hands were shaking as I finally sealed my eyes shut and moved away. If I could breath for real, then I was fairly certain I would be hyperventilating or passing out from lack of air by now. Was it shock, I couldn't tell, but it sure felt like it. I guess it made it easy for my control to slip, because a sudden voice echoed in my ears, booming inside my skull.


"You have five seconds to come out! If I get to five, you'll wish I'd never graced you with my house! You live here and you'll behave as such! One!"

The terror that filled my heart made me freeze. Suddenly, my lungs were screaming.




Please, help me!


But nobody came.

"There you are-!" Something grabbed my hair and I was yanked forward.


Gasping, my hand shot out as though to push whoever it was away. Bones took shape in the air, glowing purple, before shooting forward and smashing into the wall. A loud shattering noise came with it, startling a few bugs and blowing the dust into the air. Dirt rained down from the ceiling. I felt like I was on fire, my magic on a rampage.

What the hell was going on?! Without thinking, I turned and started to storm towards the mansion, fury and residual pain shooting through my skull. I was going to get to the bottom of this, even if it meant dragging the human to my father and taking our souls apart myself.

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