
35 0 3

This is a longer chapter. YAY.

This is also a POV switch! SANSY!! Yay!


I pushed open the large door, light and snow falling onto the dirty, carpeted floor, illuminating the long hall. Shadows greeted me, old photographs lying torn on the ground inside of their shattered frames. Scorch marks blazed against the walls, black sharks eating away at the pale-yellow wall paper underneath which was already starting to fade and become white. Everything was aging. Waltzing inside, I heard the door slam shut behind me, darkness swallowing everything. The sounds of my steps were muffled, suffocated by the heavy, furry rug. A single Froggit hopped away, startled or frightened I didn't know, nor did I care. He disappeared into a crack in the wall.

The hallway was the same as always, empty except for the cobwebs that were barely hanging onto the corners and ceiling. The spiders were nowhere to be seen. My eye flashed purple and one of the unused spider webs spiraled to the ground, cleanly cut. Dust trickled after it and I wrinkled my non-existent nose. Someone really needs to clean up in here. Perhaps Flower-boy could become the new house cleaner? That way I wouldn't need to spend time making him bite the dust. I chuckled at my joke, even though it was not one of my best. I didn't have a lot of personal time to focus on my humerus side.

"heh." That one was a little better.

The stairs creaked under my feet as I reached them and started to climb. These were hard wood, but their old shine had faded from the lack of use and now they looked as though they could break any second. I knew they wouldn't, though. The builders had made this place far to sturdy. The Queen and King were way to protective of their children to leave anything to risk. Well, at least they use to be. There wasn't anyone to protect anymore.

I shook my head to clear it, a rattling sound echoing in the silence. Focus Sans. You're here to check on the weed, not to reminisce. I shoved my hands in my hoodie pockets, glancing around as I got to the top of the steps. The walls up here were significantly worse than the ones by the Snowden door. Most of the wallpaper had been burnt off, little scraps of what remained peeling up and curling in on itself. Scorch marks lined the hardwood floor like the skid marks described in the human novels. The front door was open, the speckled brown paint flaking off ever so slightly. All of this was a horrible example of what grief could do to a hot-headed goat mom.

Okay, that one wasn't quite so funny. I really needed to put in some practice time.

With a heavy, irritated sigh I headed across the empty foyer, glancing out into the Ruins. The vine-covered walls and ground were the same as always, the dark brown bricks blending into the dirt above, roots hanging down just within reach. But what caught my eye was a dark red puddle that had gathered just outside the mansion door. Crouching down, I dipped my fingers in it, bringing them out to rub the tips of my phalanges together. Blood, huh. Looking behind me, I spotted smaller, almost invisible drops against the stained floor. Somebody was having a party without me.

Straightening up, I casually strolled towards the living room, the entry way clear since the door had long since been blown of its hinges. My smile grew larger. Grabbing the wall, I poked my head into the room, planning on leaning against the door frame and giving my typical greeting. Instead my eyes widened and I froze.

The little Sunflower was panicking, his vines out and tending to the bleeding human who was laying on the couch, a red puddle forming beneath her body. "Okay... Okay, so I j-just need to place this here... And wrap this up... and- Oh come on! I can't heal her by myself!" I could only see her face clearly from the distance I was at, but my sockets still narrowed, rage making me clench my teeth together.

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