Two Different Faces

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I'm going to do Sans' next chapter before returning to Fallen Kingdom, so look forward to it!


Frisk's POV.

You think you know a person, but you were missing quite a bit actually.


"BROTHER, I DEMAND YOU COME DOWNSTAIRS THIS INSTANT!" The shrill voice made me jump, my eyes flying open. Chills ran up my spine, my lungs locking up, flashes of an even angrier yell entering my mind, but I instantly pushed it away. Shivering, I had to take a moment to comprise myself. I'm not with him anymore. I'm underground, with the monsters. With Sans and Flowey. Nothing's going to hurt me. I took a deep breath as the fear in my chest dissipated slowly, replaced with a strange exhaustion. I heard myself groan, registering my mouth moving, but instead of rolling over like I attempted, I turned my head to look at a door to my left. Who...? I caught sight of myself in a mirror hanging on an unfamiliar wall. Sans' face gazed back at me. Oh.This again. Somehow, it wasn't as exciting this time around. I was hoping to get some decent sleep, but oh well.

"SANS!" Okay, so I was in Sans' body, not like I didn't know that already, but who the heck was screaming so loud?

"comin' bro, just give these old bones a second." His brother? My mind flashed back to the small skeleton from the previous memory. Was it Papyrus? He sounded different, less squeaky. Older then?


"threats aren't good for you bro. They'll ketchup to you one day."

"SANS!" I blinked before fighting back laughter, feeling Sans' smirk cover his face at the faked roar of anger. It was hard to take Papyrus seriously when you could hear the smile in his tone. I was worried though, and my little amusement disappeared. Sans didn't seem like... a very decent guy anymore, especially after what he said to me yesterday. I mean, I could kinda tell when he said he'd wanted me to die that he wasn't joking, but I didn't realize he hated me so much. My stomach rolled.

Huffing, Sans rolled out of bed, shuffling across the room and swinging open the door. My nervousness only increased as I felt him wince, his eyes narrowing as they adjusted to the sudden light. I felt the rush of irritation run through him, and I didn't like it one bit. It almost made me dizzy as his gaze shifted quickly to what looked to be a living room and the small figure hiding behind a dark red couch. I sought to find any malice in his soul at the sight of the younger skeleton.

Papyrus was a little taller than the last time I saw him, his shoulders much more square. He wore a white shirt that was far too large for him and a similar black coat, a rather startling, neon green scarf wrapped around his neck. A grin stretched all the way to the corners of his skull, and I could hear him giggling as he hummed a familiar tune under his breath. I waited for Sans' reaction, slightly confused when I could feel Sans' amusement building, and I felt as though I was missing something.

Then Papyrus did his first tumble, rolling across the floor to come to a halt behind a scarlet love seat. His humming got louder and I finally realized what the song was. It was the James Bond Theme song.

If I could have I would have slapped a hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing. Unfortunately, I couldn't, so I ended up hearing my own laughter echo through my mind. It mixed with Sans' barely withheld chuckle and I found myself completely dismissing the idea of his possible anger. Somehow, the heavy feeling in his chest lifted at the sight of his brother, vanishing quickly as he strolled down the stairs. "oh paps! where are you? it's not fair of you to hide from me after getting me outta bed! You know i am a grade a lazybones!" Papyrus giggled, crouching down to scurry across the floor and slip behind the television-set. Sans didn't even turn his head to watch him, even though I knew he saw him, and he strolled away, peeking his head in another room, the kitchen apparently.

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