Time to Teleport

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The noise sent me crashing to the floor, my weak yet peaceful sleep vanishing like mist. Heart beat sky rocketing, my breathing became short as I tried to scramble backwards, the blankets around my legs keeping me from moving even an inch. The sound of scratching echoed around the room, heavy footsteps drawing increasingly close. Frantically, I looked up, my vision fading black around the edges as my lungs shouted.

Everything stopped. No. No no no no no! Not him! How did he- A gruff cough blocked out my thoughts, the sound sending me into my deepest nightmares as the robed person stepped out of the shadows. I felt the scream building in my throat grow stuck and I shivered, tears falling down my face. I recognized those shoulders. That build. My gaze locked onto the pair of brown eyes hidden within the confines of the hood, the ones that searched me out and stared me down. The thick stubble on his chin made him look drenched in shadows, his eyebrows drawn together in frustration as he sniffed, taking a tentative step towards me.

A flash of sliver made my heart stop. I didn't have to look to identify the knife in his grasp. The scream finally escaped my mouth, but it was more of a strangled yelp and sob then anything. The man lunged forward instantly, the sharp steel aimed straight for my chest. I forced my body through the ice in my veins, dragging myself back with all the strength I had, nails digging into the floorboards. He missed, but he only inched closer, the smell of pine and smoke sticking to him like cologne. Thank god there was no alcohol mixed in, the brief thought of trying to talk to him springing into my mind. Opening my mouth, the only thing to come out was a short cry as he slashed my arm, the wicked, twisted blade sending fire through my body. My back hit the wall.

He rose the knife over his head, early morning light streaming through the open door and reflecting off the steel, sending splashed of light dancing across the walls. Then he was gone, the space in front of me eerily empty. I couldn't look away, though, gaze stuck on the air where his face used to be. I felt myself shaking, my body demanding air I couldn't give. My vision started to swirl, everything going out of focus, a inky blackness crawling unchecked across my sight. I didn't notice the hands on my shoulders until a flash of purple drew me out of my hellish mind, my chest growing warm as something reached out for my soul.

"human!" Sans?

"human, breathe! right now!" Why was he...?

"you little brat! if you die- just breathe god damn it!" I'm trying but...

"with me. focus here." He moved my hand and I felt something soft under my touch, a familiar energy humming beneath the surface. I focused on the heat that graced my palm, letting it flow through me, and ever so slowly my vision cleared, breathing returning to normal. Raising my eyes to meet Sans', the tears on his face startled me. Dark violet, they trailed down his face and left behind glowing, wet paths. He didn't seem to notice as he searched my face, gaze turning relieved as he realized I wasn't going to be suffocating myself. My brows drew together as I rose an uncertain had to his face, wiping at his damp cheeks. He flinched away, leaving my hand floating in mid air. Blinking, I brought it down slowly before turning my face away from him. Neither of us decided to speak.

Instead, I glanced around, finding a crumpled figure with my eyes. The fear spiked in my chest again, but it was like something was keeping it at bay, heavy exhaustion pulling my eyelids down. Now that the warmth had vanished from under my hand, the heat had been replaced with a numbness that was spreading faster than I could manage. So, my initial reaction was a blank, empty look despite the newly revealed features of my attacker.

The hood had fallen away from the man's head, revealing dark brown fur and scarred patches of skin. His face was turned upwards, even though his eyes were closed, his nose twitching at the end of his white and brown snout. Tilting my head slightly in confusion, it took me a moment to realize that he wasn't my- the man I thought he was. He was a dog.

A heavy huff of air made me flinch, my eyes going back to watch Sans fall to the ground with a loud thud. "damn it doggo... you and that nose of yours. I knew I shoulda covered our trail or something... but we're still so far out from snowden..." I said nothing, my thoughts still too jumbled to make out or understand any of his words. Right now they were going in one ear and right out the other.

It took a while, an awkward silence taking over the room as both of us got lost in our thoughts, but eventually Sans got up and grabbed my arm, pulling me up with him. "come on human. we gotta get while the going's good. doggo's a pawsome dude, but i don't think you can handle him in your state."

I could've sworn I heard him say, "neither can i," but I really wasn't sure. I didn't understand this skeleton at all. Wouldn't it be easier if he just let Doggo kill me? He really seemed to want to.

I didn't get the chance to ask him much, though, because a second later we were back in the snow and I was struggling to get Sans to release me. I could tell he tried to ignore my silent protests, but thankfully I won out, my icy toes screaming painfully. He looked back at me with distaste before he drew his arm back and allowed me to run back into the cabin, my trembling fingers grabbing my boots and floundering to tie the laces.

The longer I took the more nervous I got. Doggo kept shifting in his sleep, and Sans was pacing in front of the open door. I had just managed to finish one, after almost six minutes, when my other foot was jerked forward, my body falling backwards into the couch. I yelped as a sharp pain laced throughly arm, looking down to see Sans with my boot on his knee and his fingers tying the laces into tight knots that made the top of my foot ache. I didn't have the nerve to tell him to loosen them.

"there, now that we're not tied up, let's get going." He didn't really give me much of a choice, yanking me up and out of the room. We were buried in snow in seconds, the freshly fallen powder higher than it was the night before. It stopped just above my knees, but it was just as hard to move through, if not more so. Glancing around, I saw the path Doggo must've taken to reach the cabin, and it looked like the dog monster had done his best to make some sort of trench. It would have made an awesome pathway, but of course it just had to be going in the opposite direction from where Sans was leading me. My frustrated thoughts were only solidified when I tripped over a branch that was hidden in the snow, landing face first and nearly pulling Sans down with me.

"oh for fucks sake," I winced as his grasp tightened around my wrist, suddenly finding myself back on my feet, covered head to toe in white. I tried to sign 'sorry' but didn't get the chance, Sans' arms going around my shoulder. I flushed, but the embarrassment faded extremely quickly as dizziness overcame me, the ground feeling as though it had disappeared from beneath me. If my stomach had anything in it, I was sure it would have come back up in a flourish. Thankfully, the feeling stopped quickly, but Sans released me before I could get my bearings, the world spinning as I went to my knees. I heaved, the world around me static to my ears. Sans shook my shoulder a little bit, but he didn't push it for once.

Trying to force my lungs back under my control, my muscles felt weighed down. Who knew having a panic attack and doing whatever the hell Sans just did could make a person want to sleep for twenty years? I honestly could have guessed.

"human, we need to hurry, ya know? it'd be nice if you'd stop kissin' the snow. I got us pretty far, but we still have a little bit of a walk," I merely let out a weak chuckle, managing to sit back on my heels.

Two seconds later a wave of powder covered my head, the sound of a heavy thump echoing around me eerily. I heard Sans draw in a sharp breath, but my eyes were glued to the neon green tie staring me in the face.

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