A Not-So-Great Official Meeting

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Frisk's POV and a not-so-great first offical meeting!

Just so everyone knows, the next chapter won't be out till maybe a week and a half from now because I have another story I'm working on as well, but I promise I'll be back soon. Look forward to it, okay?


I practically skipped back to the house, a grin starting to grow on my face. Flowey hummed a small tune in my ear, my happiness becoming contagious. It almost made me giggle, how one single, act of mercy could cause my problems to disappear. Hearing Flowey praise me was one of the best times of my life, especially when added to the fact that the Froggit and I both escaped without a single injury. It felt like I was making up for lost time or something.

"Hey Frisk," I turned my head to look at him, "When we get back to the house do you want me to show you around? I could also probably find you some new clothes, to uh... You know. Replace your torn ones." I blinked before moving my eyes to gaze down at myself. I hadn't realized just how bad I looked.

My leggings were in shreds, patches of skin showing every now and then, but thankfully they weren't in any revealing places. As for my cardigan, I was surprised it was even wearable. Most of the sleeves were gone and a huge piece of the middle was swinging in the air as I walked, barely hanging on by a thread. Considering my clothes were almost all black, except for the cardigan, it was difficult to see the darker patches where blood had soaked through, but I could make them out fairly well just because I knew what it was supposed to look like. My tank top wasn't that bad, luckily, just a large tear along the bottom right side.

I brought my eyes back up to meet his, a timid grin on my face. "If you wouldn't mind."

He shook his head, enthusiastic, "No, I don't mind at all! I mean, you deserve a treat after what you've went through." My eyes widened and I felt my face go slack from his words. Did he mean what I...? No, he couldn't. He didn't even know. Despite that knowledge, I still teared up a bit. He didn't seem to notice, thankfully, and he crawled down my arm to land on the ground as we finally reached the house.

I stared up at the building in shock. It was a lot bigger than it looked on the inside, stretching away in both directions for a good hundred yards. As for the height, it was just as impressive, probably three stories high and connecting with the ceiling of the cavern. Unfortunately, the original white paint was flaking off from years of abuse and neglect, and the windows were dark and grime covered. I could only imagine how it would have looked all nice and lit up, with a fresh coat of paint and some well-deserved TLC.

It took a moment for me to realize that Flowey was tugging on my leg and I looked down at him quickly, shaking my head. "Sorry! The house is just so... Big. And sad." He only gave a knowing look before gesturing inside.

"Come on. We can stop when we get out of the open." I tilted my head at him in confusion but nodded and followed him inside, not bothering to attempt to shut the door behind me. It wasn't even attached any more, parts of the hinges laying across the floor in one of the corners.

I took a good look around as we crossed the threshold, even though there wasn't much to see. There was a staircase right across from the front door, probably going to the basement. I turned to glance down the hall to my left. Other for the occasional door and discarded picture frame, there was nothing else.

Something flashed at the end of the hall. So, I stood corrected. I started forward, ignoring Flowey's questions about where I was headed, my feet carrying me forward slowly. Curiosity was always my one downfall. It got me into more trouble than I cared to remember. And yet, I always listened to it.

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