A Punny Skeleton and A Invisible Attacker

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Frisk's POV

Some Puns and a Mysterious Attacker


I'm glad we weren't talking because when he opened the large door I was left speechless. There was white powder everywhere, coating every surface. There had only been one other time where I had seen so much snow.

I didn't let myself picture it.

Taking a step forward, I winced slightly as the cold hit my feet, skin soaked in seconds. I realized I was still missing a shoe, not to mention my other one was a mere slip on, not meant for walking in snow. Shivering, I went ahead and shook off the remaining shoe, sighing heavily as the cold was allowed full access to both my feet. I glanced behind me, my eyes meeting Sans'.

"Is there any place I can get a pair of shoes?"

"shoes?" He looked me up and down before sighing and rubbing a skeletal hand to his temple. I thought I heard him mutter something about, "weak ass human female," but maybe that was just my imagination. Somehow, I thought not. I guess I should try and figure out a way convince him...

He surprised me, though. "maybe when we get to snowden. it's not like i carry a pair on me."

I blinked in surprise before offering a small smile. "Thank you." He huffed but said nothing more, striding ahead of me and into the trees. I quickly followed, trying hard to ignore the growing numbness in my toes.

We walked for a while before I realized we were on a small path, the snow significantly more trampled before I ever put my feet down. It had gotten to the point where I was shivering, rather heavily too, my teeth chattering audibly. I really wasn't dressed for this weather.

However, no matter how cold I got, I didn't ask Sans for anything else. I wasn't really afraid of him, in fact I still felt bad about when I had freaked out on him earlier. It just didn't know him all that well, and besides that he worried me. Images of my dream revolved constantly around my mind.

His father, the mysterious figure I had never caught sight of, had left him and the smaller skeleton behind. I believe his name was Papyrus if I remember correctly. Sans had been emotionally destroyed by this, so much so I could still feel the heartache from hours before. I felt... Like I wanted to help. I just didn't know how, or if he'd even accept it. There had to be a way, though, right? Maybe if I-

"human." I jumped at his voice, stopping right before I rammed into his chest. Just when had he turned around? "stop wasting time and hurry it up. we have a lot of ground to cover." I tried to keep my expression neutral as I felt my frozen feet twitch.

"Okay." He started to turn away but stopped, instead leaning down into my face. I fought to stand still and not step back. He was just a little too close.

"what's wrong with you?" He seemed to be searching my face for some change in expression. To bad he probably wouldn't see anything. I had trained myself to do this, and now I could do it without even thinking about it. Unfortunately, it also meant it was harder to make it go away and open myself up. Though, so far I hadn't had a reason to show anything.

Shaking my head, I shrugged, "Nothing's wrong. I am fine."

He huffed, "look, human, i may be a bonehead, but seriously. i'm not that blind and the last thing i need is a human popsicle to turn into the doc." I frowned, but he smirked in response, "he likes his experiments whole and healthy. at first."

If he was expecting me to look scared, well he must have been sorely disappointed. I crossed my arms and gave him the best irritated look i could muster. "what?" He appeared to be slightly disturbed. Good.

I signed deliberately, "I am fine, Sans." He blinked at my statement, eyes widening just a little bit. It was the first time I had used his name after all. Then he threw his head back and started to laugh. I didn't find it very funny, I didn't even see what was so hilarious.

"what's that human? are you getting toe cold?" Okay, now I really was angry. Now was not the time to be making puns. At my unchanging face he rolled his eyes, that smile of his growing just a tab bit wider. How the heck did it even do that? "hey now, don't give me the cold shoulder. don't be so stiff." I was starting to regret not landing on my head earlier. At least that's what I told myself as I fought back a grin. Did he always have the ability to make jokes at the worst times?

"Hey, I never said that. But your jokes are a bit flaky, aren't they?" I let the smile overcome my face at his reaction to my lame attempt at a pun. He was staring at me as though I had grown a second head, his face one of pure incredulous shock. I decided I liked that look on him. "What? Has your tongue frozen over?"

At my beaming look, he turned away and started walking, just a bit faster than before. I started after him happily, momentarily forgetting the cold. A punny skeleton, huh? He really couldn't be as harsh as he let on. It was surprising, though. How I already felt like I... knew him. It had to be the soul bond, right? We were connected, at least for now, and no matter how I felt about that, it had to be a good thing. Maybe I could... gain a friend before... I died? I instantly pushed the thought to the back of my mind. I couldn't. He wouldn't want to know me anyway once he knew more about me. once he knew what I was. He'd hate me more than he already does.

My vision blinked out as something appeared in front of me and I stumbled, pulled rudely from my mind. It was the same little boxes from earlier, my soul floating out and coming to a halt above it. I looked around, confused. Who had challenged me? Sans had disappeared up the path, so there was no sight of him to my slight discomfort, and otherwise the forest seemed empty. I turned around slowly, scanning between the trees. Maybe Sans was playing some sort of trick on me? I didn't see the familiar jacket, though, but he could be waiting in some shadows or something. I thought about calling out, but decided against it. I didn't like to speak. Besides, I could handle this.

Almost as soon as I thought that, purple water droplets came shooting out of the trees, crashing into me and sending me to the ground. Snow filled my mouth, cold and wet and so not what I needed right now. At least it was somewhat refreshing. The ground started to turn the same shade of violet and I barely had time to roll away before the drops exploded from beneath me. Snow clung to me, my clothes growing more soaked by the second. Thankfully, the attacks stopped for a moment and I took a second to just lay there, face to the sky and back in the snow.

"Excuse me, but can you please hurry? I have a deadline to meet, so I have to finish this fight quickly." The voice startled me more than I let on. It was male and quite wispy, nearly inaudible. Lifting my head up, I tried to spot the figure, just barely catching it out of the corner of my eye, but the buttons reappeared and blocked my view. I swiftly hit Act and Check. A name blinked into existence, followed by some 'stats'.

Napstablook- ATK 5. DEF 10.

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