New Story ideas + thoughts on current one

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Hey guys, so now that my book is finished, it's time to start planning a new one! Many people have requested that I write a sequel, but I see several problems in doing that. For one, this story wasn't meant to have a happy ending, nor were you given a definite end as to what happens. Its main purpose was to show off the suffering Atem went through while being trapped in the puzzle for as long as he was, slowly losing any remembrance of himself. To keep to the mysteries of the book, I left some things to be determined, leaving it up to the reader's imagination to decide what's happens. In the epilogue, I hinted that Yugi was busy solving the puzzle, so we know by that, that he does earn freedom eventually. But in my opinion, it would take away  from the original intent if I were to add anything else, so right now, I'm leaving the story as it is, with no plans for a sequel.

Besides that, I'm thinking of writing a new book; a "Yugi x Reader" this time! After that, I'll do another about Atem, and I'll keep switching and so on. But these two people are the only ones I have inspiration to write for, so they're the only guys you'll really see on my profile. I want my stories to be different from the others on here. I want them to stand out as original, professional work. So, I'm going to need a lot of time planning out the plot. I might do a few chapters before I upload, just to make sure I'm not skipping deadlines. Other than that, there's not really much to say.

I also wanted to get thoughts on the current Atem x Reader I did.


1. Anything you'd change? If so, please let me know ^^'
2. What did you think of the "game" Atem's darker self set up? Were you more interested in reading about his time in the puzzle, or were you okay with the 'Memory arc' I set up for the good last half of the story?
3. Did you prefer when the chapters were shorter or longer?
4. Likes? Dislikes? (be as harsh as you want, I can handle any criticism) 

Before I end this I just want to thank all of my readers, and/or anyone else who voted and left me nice comments. If it weren't for you guys encouraging me, I might not have had the dedication to finish this. (11 months in the making, haha) I appreciate all of you so much! I never thought this book would become so popular! Thanks a bunch!  ❤

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