Chapter 11

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I feel a bit uneasy walking up these steps. If I were to fall, I can only imagine what would happen to me. The stairs are small in width, and bare in railing. I don't look down, as I hear it helps. My direction is set, and I plan to move forward only. When I say this, I am not focused on the physical aspect, though also true in my case. When I move forward, I leave a faint memory of my past behind. It's like losing a part of myself, and gaining the knowledge of a newer, somewhat different entity. As I learn, I grow, and as I grow... I change. I feel as if this process has already begun to happen. Who I'm becoming, or who I need to be... One strong and capable, to belong without fear.

I leave the steps and make my way onto solid ground. The farther I walk, the stronger this feeling of desire grows. Waiting for me is the presence of an unidentified soul. I make it my job to learn their identity; a routine I familiarize myself with. All is normal, and yet, something bothers me... the reasoning behind such concern is unknown. What can't be understood, and why my feelings revert back to an anxious state... thoughts that leave me desperate. I don't sense anything from the girl beside me. I see she doesn't share my worry. Even so, I would be wrong to doubt. I feel lost, but in a way I'm guided towards my future... a force going beyond me. An eye appears on my forehead, emitting its powerful glow. I'll find myself in the light, and this path, I'll choose to follow. I walk without direction. The only thing ensuring a proper lead is trust. I can't explain some things. I choose only to listen to the sound of my heart. With many things here, you would think it'd be hard to find anything specific. Very quickly in my case, I come across just what I'm looking for.

I feel my name is said.

"I know..." I reply.

My eyes focus on the object most out of place here. Everything seems so silent, save for my beating heart. To my right I see an old, metallic door which rings of familiarity. Much like my own, it shares a wadjet eye, centered above the handle. My hand reaches out to take it, but I barely brush it over, unwilling to come into full contact. It's always a new feeling... learning something you hadn't previously known. It's frightening, but you're glad and comforted when it's over. There's something important waiting for me. You can do it.... take the handle, I tell myself. My shaking hand reaches above it. My heart beats louder. And if I find nothing...?  I second guess myself, and curse under my breath. I can never make up my mind. I look behind me, trying to seek assurance... hoping for a voice. I hear none. This is left for me to decide alone, and I decide...

I grab the handle firmly. The door is opened slowly for my sake. Unsettling images are replaced by a sense of security. My eyes widen upon taking in such a sight.

"Th-this is..."

Along the walls, Egyptian carvings are painted everywhere; they refuse to go bare. The warmth of this place is as dead as a tomb. All that's left is a piercing coldness bringing forth a bitter end. Why then do I feel security? This isn't what gets to me... it's what I see in the center of the room that does. A single throne, meant for prize. It sits there without ruler, waiting to be claimed by someone... someone such as I. My legs stay put at the edge of the door, as if crossing over puts me in some kind of danger. I'm wary, but I'm not alone anymore. I walk in with all caution towards the throne. As my eyes gaze upon it, I'm reminded all of who I am. Pharaoh, king, son... a lover to another. I want to sit down... I brush the seat off with my hand and hesitate. I've been a target all this time. My pride has shattered, but it doesn't change what I will always be. I take a seat, arching my back up straight. I regain the posture and confidence of a true king. I close my eyes and sigh in contentment as I tap the edge of the arm rests repeatedly.

"All that's missing is my beautiful queen..."

A few minutes later, my eyes open back up, with my steady eyelids resting halfway. I let out still breaths.



The girl. I forgot she was here... I don't pay attention to the sadness in her voice, but I immediately realize something's wrong. I'm not calm like before. When I look around me, I detect no one. Where is she...?  Her presence disappears until I can no longer feel her, leaving me alone. I get up from my throne quickly. I frantically turn my head back to look around. I would have continued if I hadn't been startled by another. 

"Atem." I hear my name said again, but not in the soothing voice of my friend. This voice is deep, and cold.  It finishes off with a silent laugh.

My attention is towards the doorway now. The shadow of a person stands in front. Their lifeless eyes greet me with threat. I'm taken aback at careful glance, but as they come in to better view, the shadows disappear to reveal an entire person. What I see horrifies me to the point of paralyzation. I can't explain what's happening, but I know something dark is about to.

"Where... Y-you're..."

Unable to form, nor finish a proper sentence, the figure does it for me. Its smile curls as it speaks, sending me into a deeper state of fear. The cold gestures aren't without harm, and it whispers out my thoughts.

"I'm... you."

The figure inches towards me and away from the door. I don't get time to question how  this is possible. Suddenly, the door slams shut in an instant, locking me in the dark room with a 'click.' This is when my vision decides to fail me; I might as well be blind. Without sight, I start to panic. My sense of hearing remains though, and what I hear... this voice whispering once more. Its lips brush up against my ear until I feel a breath un belonging to me. It grabs my arm harshly, satisfying itself with cruelty.

"...Let's play a game."

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Haha, I couldn't  help myself by adding another picture. I just wanted you guys to get a better idea of what Atem's seeing. Well, I ended with a bit of a cliffy, and unfortunately I won't be updating this for a while. It's stressful to have to put up two chapters a week, and I'll be gone until the 28th of July, so I won't really have the time. After I'm back, we'll see. I feel like I just need a break from things though.

And, as usual, I hope you all enjoy. Would really appreciate a vote or comment if you have the time. c: I actually had difficulty writing this, so I think parts are a bit rushed imo.  Feedback on this would be nice.

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