Chapter 6

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(Atem's POV)

Time flies by me as hours pass all too quickly. I'm not able to lie down for long. If I allow myself to become too comforted, then I would possibly never get up. That is why I must always be active if possible. I feel better now though. My energy returns itself to me, but some is lost in the process. After all, this place takes... and it destroys. My will is strong. I won't be conquered by this place. As long as I give meaning to my world, I'll use it to my advantage. My future is found in a single quote, given to me by my new ally. I trust that in time, everything will go accordingly. My death will be seen to as was the promise, and I'll be reunited with my queen. This will all be determined by my abilities, and for as long as I hold out I can make this a reality. That is why I can't afford to fall here. I'm woken up from such a dreamless sleep. I wonder if such experiences are possible here. The feeling of being mentally away causes a startled feeling when I open my eyes. Seeing myself back here, as if I had forgotten where I was... but my memory is quick to return to me. While I was away, my body was numb. I feel cold. I doubt it was like this before. Everything's always changing. All I know, I long for warmth. Another effect brought upon by this chill is my frozen body. I wonder if everything is mental. That's the power that fuels this place.

If I believe that I'm cold, will my body freeze? Or perhaps it's a mild case of paralysis, brought upon by my awakened state. If I believe that I'm warm, will I...? No, I don't need to.

"You're still here, aren't you? "  I say quietly, but mostly for myself to hear.

I know this to be true because of last night. The two of us are connected somehow. I don't know who she is, or maybe I do... either way, I'm brought to comfort. My body naturally warms itself with the feeling of a  caress. I know that I'll be safe when this presence is around. Fortunately for me, it chooses my side. And there it stays, warning me, and lending me its help. When the hallway was illuminated, I expected the darkness to disperse. You didn't, because you're not of the darkness... You're exactly like me, only, you have control, and I have a desperate attempt at obtaining it. It's needed to ensure my survival, yet I barely hold on. It's time to get up... I tell myself. It isn't a problem this time around. I've already grasped my footing here. I've broken free of the chains I bore, and I use this to claim what is mine... what won't be taken away. If my willpower were to die out, I'd be tempted to give myself up. It's as I said before though, I hang on until my last breath. This is what I know, and it's the promise I make not only to myself, but to my queen, and to everyone who lends me their support. To give up so easily after everything would be to let them down. I won't see the day where my love is disappointed in me... the only person I refuse to break. And what of this helping presence? It's gone so far to keep me safe. I owe it this at least.

And now I question my sanity. What is there for me to do here? Surely there are things left to be undiscovered. However helpless I am in this situation, I have to occupy myself. It seems wherever I go, something finds me. Why am I the target of their enjoyment? I've done nothing, but this is how it is. Maybe there are more places like this. I'm only one person, and I can only take so much. The door I slept beside will release me from these corridors. I trust in my strength, and the light that calls me forward. With this, my hands grip the knob of the door. I'm being beckoned. Another blinding light devours me as I enter normally. White is a change from the dark. This lasts for short moments. In this time, I look to my left. Why there specifically? I could see her standing beside me. She wasn't some shadow now. Her back was turned, but the color of her (h/l) (h/c) hair was made known to me. I gasp and step backwards, too shocked to speak. She attempts to turn around, but her face is hidden, along with the light. It all disappears, and I'm left in another room. It all happens so suddenly, and I'm left to wonder, What the hell was that...?

My hand comes into contact with my forehead as I wonder about the answer to my question. My fingers rub against my eyes gently. I try to process this. I don't know why it's so important to me. Everyone has a face. The person with me must resemble someone. However, I've only known this figure to be a shadow, and I was startled to see her standing there with a visible body, taking the form of a regular person. And this feeling I have... it's sentimental. I compare her to someone. I can't say my queen for certain, as I've lost all memories of her. What does she look like? What is her name? I can't even answer this. All I have left of her is a love I continually hold on to. It's the first thing I know when I know of nothing else. In other words, when I'm lost, I'm kept on track by the thought of her alone. I'm fighting for her in order to keep a promise I made.

"A beautiful eternity..."  I whisper.

How could I ever forget this? 


Hey, thanks for reading guys. Any feedback is welcome. 

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