Chapter 20

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After the pep talk from Seto, we quickly withdrew our forces back. Now is not a time to act carelessly, but a time to re-group and strategize. Our eyes are focused towards the same place, and it is there that we might find answers, and hope. I can't say that my energy has returned. I feel drowsy, and with no explained cause. It is not enough to hinder my usefulness, and on a more positive note, my headache is gradually leaving. If my hands were to grasp hold of time, and control it at will, then I would use it all on the mysteries of this world. But as far as I know, the sun rises, the moon sets, time's still going, and we're losing our coverage. In the middle of the night, the palace should all be asleep, save for the guards. I do not wish to disturb anyone, but I have a feeling that with our newfound priorities, not one of us shall receive rest. The stables become closer in sight as we draw nearer to the royal grounds. We have guards stationed around the area, confirming our arrival for us. I feel that the palace sighs contented now that it's king is back to tend to it, and it's people. A harsh tug of reigns give off sound as hooves are halted in a commotion of shouting and commandment.

"Pharaoh has returned!"

"Get them down!"

These words are most said as several of the guards leave their positions on order to see that we're helped. Others knew of our leaving, and thus were in expectation of our return. They all lend hand in the most menial of duties, that if not for the company, we would have wasted time doing ourselves. My white, prized stallion lets me know of his discomfort to having another take him. He draws up a low sound, respectful enough to those who sleep. I have earned this animal's trust throughout the years, and now he is loyal to only me. I pat his neck to reassure him, but allow for him to be sent away. With a bit of coercion, he is kind enough to cooperate.

We are welcomed home through tall doors, which forcefully open upon sight of royal garments. We are rushed in with a sense of urgency, guided by dancing flames that illuminate the cold pathway below us. In wait to confirm our arrival, I see that the remnant of the millennium keepers have kept awake in order to greet us; they bear an anxious appearance, but it is understandable, given the circumstances.

"Pharaoh," Isis speaks softly, solely turning to address me, "I am thankful for your return..."

I nod respectfully in agreement, before she passes her attention towards the others.

"Seto, Akhnaden..."

A sweet reunion takes place here, such that nothing more can be said, besides the feelings that refuse to be put into words. This is alright, for they greatly acknowledge both her concern and relief, and project themselves through these mutual feelings. The rest of the court is just as thankful, but their actions are controlled, much like the emotion that feeds off of us. This moment of closeness would have brought small joy, if not for the tension that was forced into the room. We come bearing solemn news, and just as I crave answers, they too have their own wants. I understand these feelings well; to be caught in the middle of war, and with no explanation... these are terrifying times. The only way to cope is to keep our closest right at hand. For me, this is the very force that dignifies my existence, and fuels my blood with warmth. Whenever I lie alone, with only the darkness to comfort me, I remember the reason for which I fight... with this, all suffering is null. It is replaced with a sense of hope, that I might hold on to this, and never let go... for should I ever lose this light, might I also lose myself.

When I gaze into the priest's eyes, they are almost unreadable; he carries a look of confusion, frustration, anger... 'will we ever overcome this oppression?' I believe he is waging war within himself, and although he will never admit to it, he is frightened, just like the rest. However he might feel, he needn't plague himself with burden, for it is my own burden to bear when I chose to adopt this kingdom. While no one will ever be able to comprehend my laden tasks, my worry is kept to a minimal, knowing that I am at least in good company.

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