Chapter 10

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But I'm not dead yet. I'm a fighter and I will live. I know I pretty much have nothing left to live for,my task is over. I don't know but this feeling is tugging at me.

A voice whispering to me telling me I have to live. Telling me what I have to live for. I didn't believe most of what it said but two things stood out.

To keep safe the humans from Erik and Mystique.

If not for me do it for Alex Sean and Hank.

I do care about them, I can't just give up. If I have a chance at life I owe it to them and myself to take it. I can't just give up because my dad is dead and the person I love loves some one else.

No I will get stronger. I will have a bright future. I will use my voice my abilities I won't try and diffuse my potential. I'm sick of hiding and getting hurt. I'm sick of being the weak link. I'll be the strong one.

Hang on

Hang on

Hang on

Hang on

I keep repeating in my head. But how does one survive a severe acid burn in the back, a broken leg, a broken ankle, a few broken ribs, and a punctured lung? Well I guess I'll find out.


This darkness is so boring. I hate getting knocked out it is so bland. You can't tell time all you have is your thoughts.

Right now my thoughts are not so nice. In fact they are the opposite of nice they are awful, lethal, deadly, suicidal, bloody, haunting, and heart breaking.

So yeah I'm gonna have so much fun thinking!!!!!! I regretfully let myself plunge into my memories and indulged in my own depression. Then a question came to mind.

Where is my mother? Is she dead? Lost? Trapped somewhere? Who is she? I barely remember her face. I need to find out about her.







My mind is a whirlwind of emotions. I need to sort them before I wake up. But emotions aren't meant to be understood. In a way they are an explanation. Well that sounded philosophical. Yep I have definitely had enough mind time.


"Rienna wake up," Charles says.

I can't I'm trapped," I reply.

"Yes you can just open your eyes. Your a telepath you have more control over your mind you can do this wake up please," Charles reasons. I don't reply.

Charles soon left my mind. I take in what he said, considered it, and decided to try. I mean it can't hurt to try right.

I concentrate and imagine me opening my eyes....... Didn't work.

So then I try harder. I picture a gate to consciousness. I slowly open it and open my eyes.

Bright light floods my vision. I scramble to gather my thoughts and get my bearings. I register pain in my back and throat. I can't feel my legs. I must have a lot of pain killers in my system. Then I notice a breathing tubers shoved down my throat. Goodie.

My arms are strapped down don't know why.

It is twelve at night form what the clock on my bedside table says. I reach out to find a mind that could get this breathing tube out.

My friends aren't around and I vane call on a nurse telepathically or else they would freak out. So great I'm stuck here. More waiting.

Before I really get bored I drift of into a dream filled sleep.


A little girl is skipping through a meadow. She has long red hair that cascades down her back. She is followed by a couple that is holding hands and smiling, her parents. The family laughs and runs about. The husband spins the girl in the air while the mom claps. Soon the couple sits in the grass while the girl still plays. As the girl twirls around the image stops and she stares at me.

Her eyes they are purple with a pink rim. The are my eyes. My hair my face, me. A six year old me. With happy parents and a good life.

I jerk awake and choke on my breathing tube. I struggle to get free before just burning the straps off and ripping the tube out. I cough and throw up in the trashcan next to the bed. Six year old me. I want to be her.

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