A Mutant Among Mutants (xmen first class fanfic)

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I'm a pretty normal 21 year old girl. Going on 22 I think in a week I wouldn't know for sure though. I guess my life is normal I mean I travel around a lot. I have moved over 100 times and have had over 13 different identities.

Mostly because I'm running from my father. See weird things happen around me some times and one time I got blamed for a mysterious shed blowing up incident. My parents are hell bent on killing me or capturing me because they think I'm a freak.

I'm not I'm totes normal just in the wrong places at the wrong times. I mean sometimes my hair color changes occasionally my eye color some times skin. Other times when I scream glass breaks and when I ask for things people give it. So yeah totally normal. I have a strange wing birth mark on my arms and back that sometimes shimmer and seems to pop out.


I sigh holding my teddy bear close and walk into the medium class hotel. I hope this is my last stop. Of course o hope that every time I go to a new place.

"Um excuse me a room for one, no charge," I ask as politely as possible. The lady gives me a dazed smile and nods.

"Sure here," the lady replies and hands me a key.

"Thanks and forget about me," I order, take the key and walk to my first floor room. I place my teddy on the bed and walk into the bathroom. I sigh and touch the mirror, examining my reflection. I usually have long red hair purple eyes with a pink rim arpund the pupil and pale skin.

I grin I haven't changed appearances once today. Usually I change at least 3 times a day. It happens when I'm stressed or trying to blend in an escape. You may be thinking one pink eye and one purple how is that normal?
Most people do ask but I just say I have contacts in.

Exhausted, I crawl into bed knowing I can't stay here long. I can never stay in one place longer than 2 days or else they find me. My parents have police all over the world looking for me. I have no idea why want me so bad or why was that shed so important. I also don't know why people give me stuff. Why when I'm angry stuff blows up. What the birth mark on my back is. I don't know a lot of things.

I nearly scream in anger but instead I shove my face into the pillow and nod off. I


I had a terrible dream about what happened when I was seven. I was mad at my parents for ignoring me so I went outside and started kicking a soccer ball around. I just got angrier and angrier till I blew up literally I shot some sort of red light at the shed and blew it up. My parents ran out my mom screamed and my dad smiled evilly. He held up a gun I don't know if it was a tranq or a real gun but I still ran.

I have been running ever since. I wipe some tears and brush my hair. I asked a shop keeper for a brush, a purple off the shoulder top, black shorts, and purple flats. I like to match it allows me to blend in easier.


A knock comes at my door as I'm hair about to order room service. I immediately assume the worst.

Cautiously I open the door a crack and peer out.

"Um hello," I greet the two men on the other side. I examine the men in front of me and raise an eyebrow. They don't look like the usual people that are sent after me.

One has short brown hair and striking blue eyes, the other short brown hair and striking green eyes. The blue eyed one is rather cute, I must say. But no time for that now. I quickly shut the door when I hear a thought fragment from one of them. They want to bring me somewhere and I know enough to know that's bad.

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