Chapter Twenty

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Nellie's P.O.V:

"Ray! Don't touch that it will,-" I stopped myself because she touched the vase, and it fell to the ground shattering into hundred of pieces on the wooden floor. "break." I finished my thought. That was the second one today, and its only been an hour into babysitting her.

Harry and Samantha had been talking about a date night for the past week since we met at the cafe, and Louis being the loud mouthed boy he is, volunteered to babysit; he claimed it wouldn't be as bad as his twin sisters.

It was much worse.

The twins played dollies, house and a whole bunch of make-believe games, but Ray...she likes to touch and play with real life objects, not fake tea in plastic cups. Ray was a bundle of energy and I have not found out a way to calm her down the slightest. I had called Sam, but received her voice-mail. When Harry had dropped his daughter off at my house, he knocked on the door, handed her over, threw the bag on the floor in front of me and had said " Hello and Good-bye" in 4 seconds flat before running back to his car and driving off like a teen sneaking out at midnight.

There aren't instruction manuals to a toddler, and I don't know how to really take care of her because I have no experience. Lou has the younger siblings, not me. He volunteered us, but he isn't even here yet; he said there was an emergency grocery run he had to make before Harry got here.

He left two hours ago, almost three. What was the rush, did he need emergency peanut butter?

"Oopsies" Ray giggled as I sighed loudly in frustration.

I moved cautiously around the glass trying to get to her, "Don't move Ray, okay? I don't want you to get hurt okay baby?" I said trying to get her attention away from grabbing the nearest glass shard because it was "Shiny".

The front door opened and in came Louis, already rambling off something about not keeping the door locked while I am alone with Ray but he immediately stopped with the grocery bags and stared at the mess. He looked at the glass then looked at me, this scene brought me back to when I first met him. "What did you do?!" he tried to say calmly.

"It was Ray!" I shouted, pointing at the two year-old in accusation. Louis sighed and mumbled something again that I am sure was aimed towards me. "She likes to adventure, especially around expensive, breakable things. Plus, I don't know what I'm doing and you weren't here, Harry could have just planted her on the curb and it would be better than being taken care of by me."
He shushed my rambling and walked across the glass in his shoes, moved the paper bags to one arm, and then picked up the toddler in the other, moving to the kitchen. I stared in awe, he had about 12 bags on the one arm and the two year-old weighed about 45 pounds, his biceps flexing and streching the fabric his button up shirt.

"Sure, sure, blame the baby" he said quietly teasing me. I was still stuck in the middle of the vase's murder scene, with no shoes on; of course. "Come on babe, don't stand there like a lump on the log, come help unpack, I got so many things! There was a sale on veggies, and- OH look at the bananas, fresh and you can make banana bread for Ray and then a smoothie for me!" he looked up to his side holding the bananas with a huge grin, expecting me to be there, but was puzzled. he looked up at me, "Why aren't you moving?"

"I dont have shoes on.." I mumbled lowly, I went to save Ray, who was surrounded by glass, with no shoes on. Way to go Nell.

"You..I-" he stopped and looked at me before bursting out laughing.

I tried to get his attention but it was no use. My being a stealthy ninja, I tried to walk around and avoid the glass shards. My kills failed when I looked up to get Louis to stop rambling, "You- AHH!" I had placed my foot down onto about 20 tiny peices of glass. "FU-"

"Don't curse, virgin ears babe!" he cut me off before my profanity escaped my lips into Ray's ears.

'Holy bananas, this hurts!" I censored.

Louis got distracted and started talking, "Yeah the bananas, I got look!" then he continued to ramble off on everything he got, the sale it was on and what I could make for him.

I shot him a glare until he shut up, looking at me and then a minute later his eyes shifted into realization of how much pain I am in. "Oh god, sorry, here" he moved around the counter and walked to me, picking me up by wrapping his arms around me and lifting me straight up, our chests together as he walked to the kitchen and set me down on this counter next to Ray.

I looked over to her and she had managed to get the box of fruit snack and was using her baby teeth to try and open the box. Now that is dedication. I took the box, opened it and gave her an open package of the princess fruit snacks, giving one to myself too

Lou had stopped talking and had grabbed my foot, putting it over the sink, examining it. "Dr. Tomlinson is here to help." he said, looking up at me with his heart-melting eyes. Then he preceeded to talk about how he was in sports medicine and how he knew how to do first-aid and all that snazzy stuff.

He was basically a professional.

When he had started moving towards my foot, about to remove the glass with his fingers before I interjected, "Uh.. Dr. Tomlinson, babe, don't you think you should use some tweezers?" his eyes widened and then he had bolted to my bathroom.

I picked Ray up and asked, "You don't have any boo-boos right?" I was terrified of what Sam would do if I returned her baby with battle scars and Dora the explorer Band-Aids. She shook her head quickly with her eyes shut as she continued to chew on her snack.

Toddlers can eat snacks at 5pm right?

Louis had returned with tweezers and hydrogen-peroxide, moving directly towards me and immediately started to work on getting the glass out.

"I could do that you know?" I mentioned to him quietly, distracted by how focused he was on helping me. His eyebrows were smashed together in concentration, eyes squinting for a better look, and even his tongue was mindlessly sticking out. He never replied until he was completely finished, with my foot wrapped in gaze and a sock over it to keep it in place.

" I wanted to babe." he replied back with a smile as he kissed my forehead. My eyes involuntarily closed in bliss. This boy has no idea just how happy he makes me. Everytime he showed affection towards me, I slowly but surely melt away little by little.


Sorry it is a bit short, but this is what I can give you for the time being while I try to work with my keyboard fucking up T.T I think I will write in word and then transfer it here, because for some weird reason my keyboard works perfectly fine there -.- but yeah, hopefully its about 2 pages !!!!!!

I love you guys loads and hope you like this short little filler :)

louwritewithme xxx

Fix you with Love: (A Louis Tomlinson AU Story) *In Slight Editing with current updates*Where stories live. Discover now