Chapter Eighteen

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Nellie's P.O.V

The sound of the car's engine quit and I turned my gaze to Lou. He was dressed in a casual sweater and dark washed jeans with VANS and his hair tousled a muck as we sat outside Redfern's Cafe. He got out of the car and came around to open my door for me as I got out. His fingers intertwined with my own and he faced me, his other hand caressing my cheek to give me a soft kiss to my forehead then lips. Despite the cold winter breeze, his kisses warmed me up immediately.

"Come on, I bet they are waiting on us." he spoke softly into my ear before walking towards the door.

"Well if someone would have let me out of the bed this morning, we would have been ready sooner." I spoke while pecking his cheek playfully.

This morning he decided to trap me in his arms until 9, which gave me an extremely short amount of time to get ready because it takes us 25 minutes to get there from my house with traffic.

He opened the door for me letting the warm air brush my face, "I didnt hear you complaining to me about the time while you were snuggled up to me. The only thing I heard was you mumbling how cold it was." his voice quiet in my ear, making me blush at the memory.

Well actually, to be truthfull, my room tends to get cold in the morning until my mom wakes up to turn the heater on, so in result, I snuggled in close to Lou for warmth and totally forgot about the time. My choices were easy, either freeze my butt off getting out of bed, or staying warm with Lou.

I giggled and looked around the cafe for Harry, I eventually found him in a booth, with another girl. They were chatting away with huge smiles on their faces. Harry's eyes looked around when their conversation stopped and he spotted Lou, then me. My hand tugged on Lou's to get his attention. When his eyes met Harry's his grip on my hand squeezed before telling me he will get us drinks and something to eat. He kissed me before walking off to the counter, then I walked over to the booth they were sitting at.

My eyes bulged out of my sockets once I saw a high chair there that I didnt notice before. Confusion spread through me as I walked towards them and stood there looking at them before awkwardly sitting down across from them. I was seated across from the woman, and as I looked at her I noticed who she actually was. I hadn't prepared myself to see Samantha at all.

Flash Back

Two Years Ago

I walked into the Styles' home, slipping my shoes off like I normally do when I come over. It was a typical Friday night, after the play rehearsal I come over to Harry's and we watch movies while feeding each other Mike and Ikes or Sour Patch Kids all night long. We had done this way before we started dating 5 months ago, it was a routine for us.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cold bottled water from the fridge; I basically live here. The house felt off slightly, oddly quiet too, its usually filled with background noise from a television but instead no sound was heard. I know Harry is here, his car is in the driveway so he is probably sleeping.

I made my way to the stairs, uncapping the water and taking a sip as I walked up the stairs to his room. Halfway up the stairs I heard muffled sounds coming from his bedroom, probably talking in his sleep like he normally does. But as I got closer to his bedroom door, the sounds became more clearer; moans. My body froze and my throat dried up. To help my throat I drank more water as I opened the door only to drop my water and to see something that broke my heart into millions of pieces.

My boyfriend, Harry with my best friend; Samantha

End Of Flashback

My throat was tight, my eyes close to watering, the only thing keeping me from sprinting out of the cafe right now was Louis. My eyes only looking at him walking over to us with our coffees and what looked like muffins. My eyes and brain refusing to look straight infront of me, if I did I wouldn't beable to breathe; a panic attack would wash over me like it did two years ago the last time I saw her.

* I know it is extremely short, but I wanted to stop here and tease a bit ;) Expect an update soon (within a week because I start school again soon :/)

Sorry for the EXTREMELY long wait, but hopefully it was worth it just a tad! :) But enjoy that adorable gif of Niall on the side c:

Tell me what you think in the comments!!

Dont forget to vote too :) Would make me want to write and update faster ;)

Fix you with Love: (A Louis Tomlinson AU Story) *In Slight Editing with current updates*Where stories live. Discover now