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As Trumpkin pulled the rope, so the boat was halfway onto the coast, we went to help him, although Lucy looked as though she had spotted something. Rose had was looking into the boat- probably looking for any weapons she could kill us all with....

No, no I wasn't against her... i'm sure she had nothing to do with the Telmarine group....But if she was Princess...Why was she about to be drowned.?

" Hello there!" Everyone had turned to face Lucy, who was talking to a figure which I could barely make out the image of.

The figure had got up on it's hind legs and growled. I realised she might be in danger.

" I..Its alright, we're friends!" Lucy exclaimed, walking closer to it....I had a bad feeling..

" Don't move your majesty!" Trumpkin exclaimed as Lucy turned around in confusion. The figure, as it came running to her, came more clear to me- it was a bear.

Lucy began running away, as fast as she could, but not that I would know, but it looked quite difficult to run in an dress...

" Stay away from her!" Susan shouted, holding her bow and arrow ready to shoot, as me and Edmund grabbed our swords.

Lucy fell on the ground, and Susan hadn't made her shot yet, but before I could speak, Edmund was already shouting.

"Shoot! Susan! Shoot!" Edmund ran next to Susan, as she was nearly taking the shot.

A sudden scream from Lucy was heard, and a growl from the bear.

But an arrow hit the bear square in the chest, but Susan's arrow had not moved from its point, and it turns out that it came from behind. I must say it wasn't a bad aim.

Lucy had turned onto her tummy to face us, and to our surprise we turned around to see Rose, just gently descending the bow and arrow in her hand from it's position, as she walked past us and pretended like nothing happened.

" Why wouldn't it stop?" Susan questioned, still looking confused, and her cheeks looked a little red.

" I suspect it was hungry" Rose said, as if it was a normal day to day thing to say.

As she walked closer to the body of the bear, and we followed her, to make sure Lucy was alright.

Lucy looked still in fright as I helped her up, and she snuggled her head into my chest.

Trumpkin took the bow from Rose and checked if the bear was dead, poking it in it's normal weak points.

" Thanks" Lucy said to Rose as she smiled a bit, turning back to Trumpkin.

" He was wild?" Edmund stated.

" I don't think he could talk at all..." I said, as Lucy dug her head further into my chest.

" Get treated like a dumb animal and that's what you become..." Trumpkin mumbled.

" You might find Narnia a more savage place than you remember..." Trumpkin continued as he raised his blade and did the business, Lucy obviously didn't want to see as she squealed a tiny bit.

Savage place... 

Telmarines// Edmund Pevensie (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now