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For once in his life, Zayn had witnessed something in the most leisure motion there is. Watching Ellie's body being hustled down the corridor of the hospital she was in just month's prior could possibly be the most mentally stressful thing Zayn has been through.

"Sir, you must stop right here," said one nurse who of which was wearing the palest uniform.

In the span of five minutes Zayn's complexion had transformed from the color of cream that one would pour in his tea, to as white as the bed sheets that resonated within the hospital. Louis was a matter of steps behind him, but to Zayn, he was isolated. Zayn rode in the back of an emergency hospital vehicle for the first time and observed as Ellie experienced abysmal seizures. He strained to abstain the fluid from his eyes, but had not succeeded.

"Louis," he faced his anxious-stricken friend, "is she going to be alright?" his voice became gravelly and insecure as he not know what lie ahead for the fate of Ellie.

"I can't answer that, but one thing I know is that she is a strong girl who knows how to fight. She will fight this, we just have to keep the faith and pray to God that she'll be okay," such words held little substance as Zayn could not retain any information other than good news from a doctor.

The pair had spent no more than two hours in ear-bleeding silence, before the doctor arrived, "Mr. Malik and Mr. Tomlinson?" the ears of the boys perked up at the sounds of their names. "So, we were able to rid the seizures she had and when she woke, she seemed to be coughing up blood. We ran some test, put her through a MRI and uh," Mrs. Miller paused, "come with me."

Following her into a room, Zayn and Louis became aware of several MRI images of the brain, "Not to be rude, but we were in the middle of talking about her, why are we in here?" Zayn had been incensed, waiting hours expecting unheard news can add a great gravity to the mind.

"Mr. Malik, these are the results of her MRI scan. You see this tissue here and there," she pointed earning a nod from both men, "both those spots are showing signs of atrophy."

"Atrophy? As in in the partial or complete wasting of a part of the body?" Louis proclaimed exact in a dazed tone.

"Yes, are you familiar?" Mr. Miller questioned, though knowing the answer.

"More than I'd like to be," his voice was hushed before making his speech clear, "I do, I do, my previous girlfriend uh, had atrophy as well."

"Wait, I'm still very confused here. Are you trying to tell me the she's-she's going to die? What does all of this mean!?" Zayn was drunk with sorrow and conversed with such confusion as a dog whose bones vanished between his teeth.

"Well, it seems to be that Ellie has brain atrophy, properly known as cerebral atrophy, and it's a condition in which cells in the brain are lost, or the connections among them are damaged. Ellie's losing tissue in her brain," said the physician.

"What?" he stood stunned, "Wait, what? She's going to die!? Oh my God have mercy on us, how is this possible?" Zayn pulled at the roots of his hair, as he walked around in circles, warm tears spilling offhandedly - without indignity.

"Mr. Malik, if you'd just relax, please," she spoke tranquilly - too serene for Zayn.

"Don't tell me to relax," he ceased in position, "I just told the girl in whichever ungodly room she's in that I love her! So, with all due fucking respect, I will not calm the fuck down." Zayn then spun around to Louis, "And how are you so calm about this? Please, for the sake of all that is holy, will someone show me some damn emotion!?"

"Mr. Malik, it's absolutely normal to react this way to these kinds of situations, but Ellie will be okay. We've placed her on some antibiotics right now because of various reasons and-"

"Various reasons? What various reasons?" Louis interrogated, beating Zayn to it.

"Right now, the only thing that is clear to us is the brain atrophy, but that's not the only thing we're concerned about. If you look at these MRI scans here," she began to click away on a computer revealing more images, "you can see some inflammation of the brain. Judging how rigorous and ruthless her seizures were, it may be epilepsy. As well as general dissociation of reality."

One could only imagine how distraught and aching Zayn must feel. The woman, who stole his heart, could perchance be on the verge of death because of an unknown disease. He was now sat in a chair, waiting for the okay from authority to walk inside the door of his lover's hospital room. Zayn hated hospitals at the mere fact that death was always lurking around the corners. After receiving the 'nod of approval' to see his Ellie he approached the door with vast caution.

"Wow," in the eyes of the beloved, Zayn was weak to his knees at the sight. Not only was she captivating when she's awake, but also equally as when she's at rest. Discounting any plastic material or machine she had been connected as one to, he found her to be most scenic.

Louis obliged to let Zayn have his alone time five minutes before entering the room out of common courtesy that the boy's in love. There were three chairs alongside the bed where she lay, but he sat next to her on the white sheets.

"Ellie?" he called out in hopes her eyes would open to the sound of his voice. "This sucks, uh, I really have nothing to say because I never expected any of this to fall upon you," he wiped his eyes on the black graphic-tee he wore. "The doctors say everything will be alright, I want to be leave them, but it's just so hard," he began to hyperventilate, "I love you so much," he merely made out the words as he felt her hand move, but hadn't shown any further signs of being awoken.

"I'll never put a thing above you. You're my guiding light. Little darling, little darling, you're mine. . ."

Shortly after Zayn finished his one-sided pillow talk, Louis entered the room.

"I texted Niall and he's coming in the morning, but she will be okay, understand?" he placed his palm on Zayn's back.

"Why would you fill my mind with fabricated truths?" Zayn held eye contact with the boy standing over the bed.

"I know how you feel, I was exactly-you're awake," he smiled down at Ellie, who finally wake.

"Who are you guys?" both hearts of the boys' hearts felt over-whelming tightened as she spoke those four simple words anyone would fear.

"What?" both boys retorted.

"I'm kidding," Ellie smiled unaware of her hazardous and life-threatening circumstances.

"That's a sick joke Ellie," Louis shook his head, a convincing smile on his lips.

"So, how'd I get in here?"

"You seriously don't remember?" Zayn feared that the memory of the two moments before she collapsed in his arms had been wiped clean from her memory.

"Well, no, everything is a bit hazy for me right now and I'd love to know exactly why you both look like you've been crying buckets?"

"I think we'll let the doctor explain everything."


Hola! Long time no write, huh? Well, this was hard to write for lots of reasons actually, so tell me what you think. I was so glad for all the feedback I received from last chapter. Read Vinyls it's a Harry Fanfic - should be updated shorty :)

sotc: Little Darling // Lewis Watson -- the song Zayn started singing (he's so amazing 0.0)

Dedicated to: kindoflove because she's the best and has this translated in czech, love her comments too omf, show her love!

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