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After Ellie ran desperately out of the coffee shop, she left Zayn standing their in utter shock. He didn't know if he should run after her or let her indulge in herself. He chose the latter and figured that would be best.

Zayn's day at work went by fast without Ellie being their. Zayn couldn't wrap his mind around why she ran out the way she did. All he wanted to do was ask her if she had a tattoo or not. Zayn suspected nothing off it, but obviously it must be a sensitive topic for her.

Louis, his roommate, was supposed to pick him up after work, but he didn't. So getting back to his flat was a bit of a problem, seeing that it was thirty minute walk and it started to rain. Just his luck, right?

He finally arrived at his temporary home, to meet Louis sleeping on the couch with the tv on, as per usual. Zayn really wanted to talk to him about Ellie, but his mate probably had a hard day at work. But then again, Zayn did just walked thirty minutes in the rain.

"Louis! Louis!" he exclaimed, desperately trying to wake the boy. He didn't move a single muscle, didn't even flinch. Zayn did what was best and jumped up and down on the lad, as if he were a trampoline.

"Oi! Mate, what you do that for?" the brown haired boy inquired, whilst he punched Zayn in the arm.

"Well, firstly, I had to walk, thirty minutes in the pouring rain," he stood up gesturing to his soaked attire,"and there's this girl..." Zayn trailed off, barely with a whisper.

"Wait a minute, you have a thing for a girl? Ah, get in there mate!"

"Hey! It's not like that, she ran away from me like I've grown two heads," he stated, sitting down on the little couch with a sigh.

"What do you mean - wait, did you tell her one of your lame knock, knock jokes?"

"Yes, but she laughed at how 'lame' it was. Besides, the reason why she scurried away from me, was because I pointed to something on her wrist."

"Mate, what the hell! You don't point at a girls' scars, you never do that! You don't even know her! And you think you can go around pointing at someone's past mistakes!?" Louis shouted angrily at the boy. While his voice rose by every syllable, he got up from his comfortable position on the couch.

"Woah, woah, Louis, calm -,"

"Don't tell me to calm down! You don't know her life! You don't know her story!"

"Hey!" Zayn's thick Bradford accent boomed through their flat, causing both of them to be silenced by his loud voice.

"I never said I pointed at her 'scars', I said I pointed at her wrist, although I think I still spotted a few of the scars you're thinking of-but that wasn't my intention. If you had let me finish, I was going to say that I had asked about her tattoo anyway."

At this point, Louis was sitting in his original position, with his mouthed in the shape of an 'o'.

"Sorry, it's just, I've seen a lot of girls who have been there, a-and it just makes me want to kill the person or thing that made them feel that way in the first place, you know?"

"Yeah, I agree with you," Zayn answered, breathing out a sigh.

"Well, back to your love life, what's this girls' name?"

"Ellie, Ellie Moore, she's born November third and she's turning twenty one. God, she is so beautiful. The way her hair falls perfectly in place, without her even trying. Oh, and the way her cheeks get red when I compliment her. Oh, and when she crinkles her nose. And -"

"Mate, how long have you've known this girl?"

"I - I just met her today," Zayn said, with a smile on his face.

"Well, sounds to me like you're whipped," Louis said with a smirk, patting his friend on the back.

"Am not!" Zayn barked.

"You are to, and we're not going to fight about this either. Now, when's her birthday again?" Louis questioned, coming up with a plan.

"November third," Zayn stated, with a smile fixed onto his lips. Was he really whipped over a girl he had just met?

"Perfect! That's only a few weeks away."

"Wait, why?" Zayn nervously stated.

"Cos' I have a plan." Louis winked.

"And why would I follow through with your 'plan'? Your plans suck, no offense bro." Zayn knew that every time Louis had an idea, it would always end in disaster.

"Zayn... that hurt," Louis replied, holding his heart in mock hurt.

"It's the truth," Zayn mumbled.

"Eh, you have a point. But this is not an ordinary plan my dear friend, this plan, is a plan of love," Louis announced in an over dramatic voice.

Louis was well with the ladies, he had a certain technique that Zayn always admired. But, when it camr to love, Zayn was serious, he didn't want some shag and go, he wanted someone who he could have a serious relationship with.

"But first, get up of your bum and get changed. You smell like a wet dog," Louis chuckled, earning a glare from Zayn.


Okay, don't shoot me. I had a ton of work to catch up on, and I'm still not caught up. But, I wanted to at least give you guys this. It isn't my best, sorry. I'll be updating again sometime this weekend, with a better chapter than this.

sotc: Love // Cody Simpson ft. Ziggy Marley

But, leave a comment and tell me what you think so far! And thank you all, for 1.4K I can't believe it ahh. Oh, and share this story everywhere too, thank you again. :) xx

Dedicated to hellyeahniall she writes some cool books and she's one of my favorites <3

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