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Life can be a scary thing if you come to terms with it. Most people have a fear of spiders and some, heights. Days can turn into weeks and weeks into years. But what of these things do we remember? Do we remember our fear; the good times? Can we recall in the files of our minds each day of our lives having a lasting memory?

Today was November third. The day Ellie Moore would never forget.

It started out with breakfast presented by the three people left in her life. Zayn, Niall, and Louis. Three people she would never forget. 

Throughout the day she was sporadically handed gifts by each of the boys – except Zayn. Ellie thought, maybe he had simple forgotten and to her, it didn't make her feel any different.

"Okay, it's is now seventeen fifty and I think it's time Zayn shared to the rest of the group his present for El," Louis chimed.

"This isn't show and tell Louis, you sound like my third grade teacher," Zayn stood in front of Ellie.

"Get on with it," Niall bantered, a smile alluring Ellie's lips as she witnessed the three boys.

"Alright Ellie, now, I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but the first day I met you . . . I couldn't stop thinking about you," Zayn began, hearing a choir of "aw's".

"You're such a cliché, have mercy," Louis relished in Zayn's disquietude.

"Shut up Louis," he hissed.

"Moving on, basically what I was trying to say, before someone rudely interrupted me. I decided to write a song for you."

"That's really kind of you Zayn, thank you," Ellie smiled.

"I'll start then," Zayn took a seat next to Louis and began to hum as Louis fingered the strings of the steel-string guitar.

"One day you'll come into my world and say it all," he fought his nerves and sung.

"You say we'll be together even when you're lost . . . One day you'll say these words I've thought but never said," his muscles were no longer tense as he continued, "You say we're better off together in our bed."

"I want you here with me, like how I pictured it, so I don't have to keep imagining," Louis joined, voices blending together – making the perfect harmony as they sung what appeared to be the chorus.

"The script was written and I could not change a thing. I want to rip it all to shreds and start again. One day I'll come into your world and get it right; I'll say we're better off together here tonight," The two boys continued the song -- Zayn leading.

"That was so beautiful guys," Ellie laughed, tears prominent in her eyes as she pulled both of her new friends in a warm hug.

"Ellie, can I, uh, talk to you for a minute -- in private?" Zayn asked fumbling over his words, hand grazing over his neck.

"Sure," Ellie remarked as the two left the front area and headed in her temporary room.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Okay, I'm just going to come out and say it . . ."

November third was the day Liam Payne was held in custody.

"Oh, so what does this mean?" Ellie questioned.

"It means that you'll have to speak on your behalf and get a lawyer. I know someone who's a brilliant lawyer, so that's taken care of. And-Ellie are you crying?" Zayn held the girl in his arms.

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