What percentage okay are you?

933 78 98

What percentage Okay are you?

Aries: 666% (are you Satan Urie by any chance?)

Taurus: You're 75% okay because you don't do drugs, you get high on life

Gemini: 69% (and 100% dirty minded)

Cancer: You're 1% okay because you've got 99 problems and I hope I'm not one of them

Leo: -032213% *cries in Emo*

Virgo: You're definitely 6.57890% okay because I know things remember?

Libra: 50% (but 100% lactose intolerant after reading a certain fanfic...)

Scorpio: 0%

Sagittarius: YoU'Re oKay, TruST mE!

Capricorn: 100% *smiles through gritted teeth*

Aquarius: Your o.k (well now you're not because I intentionally used terrible spelling and grammar which is probably a pet peeve of yours)

Pisces: You're as okay as Gerard Way on a bad hair day

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